View Full Version : Best over the counter cough/help with nasty green & yellow mucous

10-18-2006, 03:10 PM
coming out of nose when sneezing medicine ??

Any recommendations ?

His cough now sounds like a seal barking, and he is still spewing lots of nasty mucus when he sneezes.

11-01-2006, 08:32 PM
They did a study on cough medicine 2 years ago and found that the placebo worked just as well. Basically, fluids are just as good (if not better).

Is it croup? We've been through that and what works best is time each night in the bathroom with the hot water running (to make it all steamy) then off to bed with propped up pillow and a humidifier running. It really has worked. We have never bought meds for coughs or colds.

You've probably tried those ideas though, huh? Hopefully someone will have a good OTC recommendation for you.

Hope he feels better!!
