View Full Version : From the baby boards - BBB Cookbook 2004 Information

09-26-2004, 09:18 PM
I re-posted this from the Baby forum in case anyone wanted to try to post last minute (or to see if we can extend the deadline a bit). I just added my recipes and this looks like it will be a GREAT cookbook!!!

re-post from Anna in the Baby Bargain's lounge:
The recipe deadline is Monday, September 27th! We've set up an online account with the publishing company, and you can submit your recipes online--this way we don't have to retype them. I apologize if you've already emailed your recipe to us.

Here's how:
1. Go to www.typensaveonline.com
2. Enter your name as you want it to appear in "Contributor Name"
3. Group Login is BBBcookbook
4. Password is 28391

Once you get inside, it's pretty self explanatory. You choose the category you feel your recipe best fits in, and then enter the recipe. In the notes section, please let us know if there's a special story attached to the recipe or if the recipe freezes well or doubles well or works great as a gift, etc, etc.

We've set a limit of 5 recipes per contributor, but that easily can be changed.

If you have any questions, you can email the committee at [email protected] or post here.

Thank you!
