View Full Version : post-weaning plugged duct

04-01-2004, 06:48 PM
Has anyone had this happen? Mackenzie has been weaned for 8 days now and we did it nice and slow. My breasts had no problems with engorgement or pain for the first 5 days then suddenly some of the ducts felt full. My right side is better now but the left started today. There's a red spot underneath (sorry if TMI) the areola and it's got a good size lump growing. I hate to start the whole process over again by having to pump out the plug. I did try to express a little out cause it is so tender. Should I use moist heat as if I was still BF or ice or what? I just don't want it to turn into an abscess. I had mastitis with DS and I've never been so sick in my life. Any ideas would be so appreciated. TIA-

04-01-2004, 07:46 PM
I'm sorry, I don't know, but can I piggyback a question? I last nursed 5 days ago, and we also have been weaning very gradually. We were down to nursing once every couple of days for the previous week and a half. One breast seems fine, but the other has a kind of thickness in the upper, outer quadrant. It is only a tiny bit uncomfortable, but I am not sure really what to expect. When I had my first OB exam yesterday the doctor said she felt it and thought it was hormonal changes due to lactation and stopping, and she said just to keep an eye on it for the next month or so. But I am not sure if there is anything I should do (I try massaging it, but it doesn't seem to make much difference). I don't really feel engorged or anything, so I guess I don't need to do anything, but I was wondering if others have had a similar experience.

Elizabeth, Mom to James, 9-20-02

04-02-2004, 12:18 AM
For the first poster, I would definitely get out your pump and try to prevent an infection. Even though it was 8 days since she last pumped/nursed it could take up to 2 weeks to completely dry up.

For Elizabeth, I had a similar experience when DD weaned herself. I had to rent a good pump and basically wean myself since she abruptly stopped nursing due to a nursing strike/ear infection. I pumped and gradually decreased in about a week and a half. Even though I wasn't experiencing any engorgement at that point, I did wake up with one lumpy breast after I stopped pumping. I was convinced (for about half a day) that I had some sort of tumor. But then I realized it was probably just one remaining milk duct that hadn't dried up completely. I too tried to massage it out (didn't help). I think it just disappeared a few days later (as did the rest of my bosoms). :)

04-02-2004, 04:21 PM
Hi Elizabeth- I think I had the same thing you're talking about. It felt like I had a tendon or something on my breast. Mine was only there a few days so if yours has lasted longer, maybe it wasn't the same thing. It never hurt and I didn't do anything to make it go away. Hope yours disappears, too.

04-03-2004, 01:02 AM
I've been busy with work and not online for a few days. OB apt - did I miss something here?!?
Mommy to Caleb 3/3/03

04-06-2004, 04:50 PM
When I weaned, I had a similar thing happen. I think I pumped a tiny bit, then I followed a tip from my nurse midwife - cold cabbage! Freeze cabbage leaves, then tuck them right into your bra until they 'defrost'. They really helped with the plug, drying up after weaning, & the cold felt good, too. The downside - smelling like cabbage! Oh, well. My husband & I still joke about it now! Good luck!
