View Full Version : Allergies and eating peanut butter....

04-12-2004, 11:33 AM
I have been seeing all of these posts recently about food allergies and now it's got me thinking. I realize that it might be too late to be asking this (DD is almost 4 months old), but can I possibly be creating a peanut allergy by breastfeeding and consuming large amounts of peanut butter? I love the stuff, and it's may main source of protein aside from the small amounts of meat that I eat. I go through a large jar every two weeks or so. I craved PB&J sandwiches constantly during my pregnancy and literally crave peanut butter at least once a day. I think that I eat pretty well otherwise, but I just love my PB!

I even thought about the possibility of this causing an allergy in the beginning, but since DD was so gassy, I was all paranoid about eating gas producing foods (i.e. beans and other protein sources). And the PB was just so convenient in the beginning for lunch - you know how that goes when you're pretty tired. Turns out it really didn't make a difference what I ate, she kind of outgrew the extreme gassiness at two months or so.

We are going to our ped friday for the 4 month checkup. I would appreciate people's opinions and experiences on this.


04-13-2004, 12:33 AM
Jeremiah was diagnosed with a peanut allergy at 12 months after a reaction to a goldfish peanut butter cracker (that was given to him by an administrative assistant at DH's work--long story). When we saw the allergist, he said that he was likely exposed to peanut protein at some point before the 'cracker incident'. We have no idea where this exposure came from. He was adopted at 5 weeks and had never been exposed to peanuts as far as we know. He was breastfed the first week of life by his birthmother and the allergist said that this could have been when he was exposed as the peanut protein will pass through breastmilk.

HTH, I'm interested to hear what your ped says about the possiblities of exposure through breastmilk.

Mom to Jeremiah 2/4/03
and our 'first' Curie (6 year old Golden Retriever)

04-13-2004, 08:57 AM
I asked my ped if I should avoid peanut things while BF'ing and she said it is a good idea. However, if I did not ask her, I don't know that she would have made a point about it. Also, at the hospital when they would bring me snacks, it would include a thing of peanut butter. So, I don't know. Wish I could be better help :)

04-13-2004, 09:57 AM
I am glad that you posted this question...I have wondered the same thing myself. I BF and DD is just a little beyond 4 months. I think I've eaten p'nut butter almost everyday of her life (for all of the reasons you listed--protein source, easy, etc). We have no history of food allergies on either side of the family. I will be interested in what your ped says--I didn't think to ask our ped last week!

04-13-2004, 10:43 AM
Some OBs and peds are now recommending that pregnant and nursing moms avoid peanut butter because they are discovering that exposure in the womb and through breastmilk may increase the potential for allergies. My personal opinion is that there are some limits to what I am willing to do and completely giving up peanut butter frankly is not one of them. I have heard that the link is more likely when large quantities are being consumed. It sounds like perhaps you are consuming large quantities, and maybe you might want to cut back a bit.


04-13-2004, 11:19 AM
I've also heard that the link is more likely when there is a family history of allergies (and not just nut allergies).

FWIW, I love peanut butter and have been eating it regularly while nursing. I wasn't aware until a few months a go that it *could* be a problem. I have scaled back, but won't give it up completely.

Lane 4/6/03

04-13-2004, 11:21 AM
I've been eating a lot of peanut butter too. I ate a lot when I was pregnant, and still do (Alex is bf). I think I'll ask my ped at his 12-month checkup next week. Now I'm getting worried!

04-14-2004, 02:29 AM
Sigh. Peanut butter.


I ate PB quite a bit while pg. For all the obvious reasons.

In Aine's first month she developed a minor face rash that the ped thought looked like an allergic reaction. We hypothesized peanuts as the cause, but with no proof. (I was still eating a goodly amount of PB and PB products. It is, after all, one of nature's nummiest foods) So I cut out peanut products.


There are no food allergies on either side of the family (to any foods) but the idea that I could cause her to have a life threatening allergy motivated me.

I miss peanut butter. A lot.