View Full Version : weaning to cup or bottle?

06-22-2004, 10:30 PM
I'll be weaning DD soon. She's 10.5 months old. Right now she's almost indifferent at times. I've gone 12 hours or more without nursing her and she doesn't "ask" or miss it. That's only been a couple of times though and usually I make sure she nurses even if she doesn't ask just to make sure she's getting the milk.

She's been taking a sippy cup of water for months now but she doesn't actually drink from it much, just chews on it and plays with it. She does love to take "big girl" drinks of water from a regular cup that we hold for her but she doesn't actually get many ounces that way. Just sips here and there.

She used to take bottles of expressed BM months and months ago in the middle of the night occasionally. The last time we tried that she had a fit and we're not sure whether it was the fact that the BM might have tasted different being frozen and defrosted or whether she just hated the bottle and wanted to nurse or both.

My questions are: Do I wean her straight to a sippy or to a bottle?

Do I wean her to whole milk? My pediatrician told us that we could start her on whole milk at 10.5 months and I thought I'd give her a few sips to see what she thinks. I hate to go to formula and then have to wean her again to milk later.

Lastly, how do I know she's getting enough liquids? Wet diapers? I'm nervous about weaning her for fear that she won't get enough liquids and get dehydrated. How much should she be drinking a day once she's weaned? How many ounces should we shoot for in the beginning of weaning? TIA!

06-23-2004, 03:35 AM
At 12 months old, a baby should be getting 16-20 ounces a day of milk my doc said. When Logan decided to wean, I was also concerned that he wasn't getting enough milk. But after a few days, and a switch to the Nuby silicone sippy cups, he did great. The Nuby sippy cups are a good in-between a hard sippy and a bottle. I still make "milk time" be in my lap, cuddling... even though he's not nursing I think it helps him relax (and drink all the milk). We are currently doing 4 sippies of milk a day, and the rest of the time is water/juice.

06-23-2004, 07:51 AM
Thanks. Can I ask where you got the Nuby sippy cups? I've never heard of them.

06-23-2004, 06:22 PM
I've gotten them at WalMart and Target.