View Full Version : How to introduce formula?

07-07-2004, 07:46 PM
Hi all, I am breastfeeding my DD but I am having hard time to do that outside home. We had a few outings last few weeks (1-2 hour drive away, almost all day) and it has been hard on my baby as well as myself. My DD nurses very slowly and doesn't like if I cover up with a blanket. She can't seem to get a good feeding no matter what I tried. I was thinking about using formula (ready to feed maybe) when we are outside. I tried once (Enfamil) and she wouldn't take it. How should I introduce formula for occasional use? Should I try mixing it with BM? I don't want to waste my precious milk :)


07-08-2004, 01:12 AM
Is there any way you could plan ahead for your trips and pump and feed EBM? I worry about day long outings with no breastfeeding or no pumping from you. That could really adversely affect your supply! Is there anywhere really private you could go to nurse while out? Even the back seat of the car, or a dressing room if you are shopping? If the formula is just for occasional use, and you aren't worried about your supply, I'd make sure you warmed it to body temp, and if possible, have someone else feed it to her. Some kids won't take the bottle from the real food source! IF you have BM you could mix it with, why not trying to build up an EBM stash, by pumping once a day or so? I got 60 oz this way before I started working again, and it wasn't too much fuss.

07-08-2004, 11:26 AM
If you are planning to give formula in place of a nursing session, you will need to pump while baby is eating so it does not affect your supply. So that won't really help you with being out, since it's harder to pump in public than to nurse in public.

If you decide to try formula, I would not mix it with breastmilk for the reason you mentioned. If she does not finish it, you will have to throw away breastmilk.

It does get easier to nurse in public as baby gets older. If you go to a La Leche League meeting, they can show you some tips and tricks to make it easier to nurse in public. Do you use pillows at home? Can you take the same pillows with you? If you are able to nurse in the car while you are out, it might just be a matter of practicing some more and letting baby get used to nursing in a new place.

Jacob Nathaniel Feb 91
Logan Elizabeth Mar 03