View Full Version : Help me get my 10 mo to eat something other than toast!

10-26-2004, 01:21 AM
He used to be such a good eater until he started refusing the spoon. Now he insists on self feeding, but won't touch any veggies. Well, he was going gangbusters for carrots, then he got the flu, and now he won't touch them again. He used to love pureed sweet potato--now I bake it and cut it in chunks, but he won't touch it. Same with avocado.

He will eat some fruit (pears, canteloupe, apples). He will also eat cottage cheese and yogurt from a spoon.

But his favorite is toast with butter. He could eat it for every meal.

How do I get him excited about veggies again? I need your tricks!

~ deb
Mommy to my sweet boy
B born 12/03
http://www.windsorpeak.com/dc/user_files/10023.jpg http://www.windsorpeak.com/dc/user_files/10029.gif

10-26-2004, 03:47 AM
Does he like pasta? I throw frozen veggies in the boiling water along with the noodles. It cooks up nice and soft. Sometimes I make mac n cheese. It's realli easy to whip up homemade but you could use a box too. Or I'll just toss the pasta with butter or olive oil and top with mozzarela and parmesean. DS loves it when I buy different pasta shapes like bow ties, spirals, penne cut into "o's" etc.

10-26-2004, 03:48 AM
I just remembered, DS loves kidney beans. I give them to him whenever I eat chili because I don't really care for them myself, lol.

10-26-2004, 09:20 AM
How about melting a slice of cheese on the bread, then at least he's getting something else into his belly along with the beloved toast.

10-26-2004, 04:39 PM
Now I am not a mommy yet, however, back to my day care working days (6 week olds-2 1/2 year olds). I can remember many kiddos doing this.

I guess when I was little my thing was American cheese on Saltine crackers, the slices folded into fourths so each piece fit perfect on the cracker.

Anyway, one thing that worked at the daycare was using an ice cube tray and putting a different food treasure in each compartment. I think they liked the idea of getting to choose. They ended up eating more different things that way.
Kids are so smart tho........... so who knows! ~Beth

10-26-2004, 09:55 PM
My son has started doing some of those same things with his veggies. And he barely eats any fruit now. I think the weeks of orchard-fresh peaches ruined him for other fruits! DS loves tomato sauces, so if he rejects his veggies, I'll spoon on a little spag sauce or ketchup. Yeah, looks and sounds gross, but he eats it up.

10-27-2004, 03:27 AM
Colwyn does the same thing a lot.. he loves carbs (saltines, pasta, Cheerios, etc) but is hit or miss on everything else.

I've found that he does better with veggies if they were cooked in some type of sauce. He likes green beans best, especially in a stir fry or homestyle gravy type meal.

10-27-2004, 04:36 AM
Have you tried the Gerber ravioli? It has combos like beef and tomato, chicken, spinach, cheese, etc.

My SIL used to sprinkle either parmesean cheese or brown sugar on the veggies for her kids.

How about an omelet? My DS loves omelets. At 10 mos, I scrambled only the yokes and put shredded cheese or pieces of bologna inside the omelet. Then, cut it up in small squares. At 15 mos, DS still loves omelets even with the whole egg (white + yolk). I'm going to try slipping veggies in it soon.

Good luck!

Zerick 7-3-03