View Full Version : Green poo and 2 month check-up - Milk Allergy?

12-01-2004, 02:33 PM
We just got home from our 2 month check up and have some relatively
discouraging news. My daughter has been having green mucousy
poo for a couple weeks now and there as been some blood in it
recently. So, I did some rooting around on-line over the weekend
and figured it was a foremilk/hindmilk imbalance (I have been having
serious over-production issues), so I started nursing one side only
every feeding (except in the middle of the night) and have stopped
pumping unless I have to to relieve engorgement. My pediatrician
thinks it is more likely a cow's milk allergy. She wants me to
totally cut all dairy, soy, and whey from my diet and see if that
helps. We were planning on starting 1 bottle of formula a day in a
week or so and she said that to be safe we should use Enfamil
Nutramigen. Has anyone had similar problems? What gets me is that
I don't really eat a lot of dairy at all - maybe a yogurt a day,
cereal w/milk, and cheese on stuff kind of dairy-eating. Also, she
appears totally healthy (gained a little of 2 lbs this past month).


12-01-2004, 03:14 PM
I would have been more inclined to think imbalance also, if not for the blood in the stool. You can still pump, though -- the more frequently you nurse or pump, the higher the fat content of your milk (the more hindmilk, essentially). A small amount of dairy can still cause problems in a baby who is susceptible. If you do choose to start any formula, I would definitely go with an elemental formula, though there is no medical reason you need to supplement, and be forewarned that they supposedly taste nasty.
trying-to-conceive :)
mama to Jack 6/6/03
Breastfeeding 17 months and counting