View Full Version : Toddler throwing food - tips for stopping this (X-posted in Toddler Lounge)

07-20-2006, 12:34 AM
A month or so after his second birthday I could definitely see that DS had officially entered the terrible twos. To be honest it isn't that horrible because DS is pretty good kid who is always happy. It's just that he is acting age appropriate and asserting his independence and testing boundaries.

Here's the thing he does that really tries my patience...
when he's done with his meal he will throw (more of a drop as opposed to across the room) whatever food remains and/or his bowl, spoon, etc.

Anyone BTDT and have any tips for me? I know one theory is to stop the meal when the throwing begins, but that doesn't work since he's already done.


07-21-2006, 08:28 PM
We are going through this now. DD will toss everything off her tray and on to the floor. It is very frustrating.
I say "No thank-you" and "ok, I guess you are done". Doesn't really help, but I try. Good luck!

07-21-2006, 09:28 PM
Your son is much older than mine, but Jason started doing this a few months ago. What worked for us was ignoring it when he did it, and praising him if he handed it to me or put it on the table. It took about 2 weeks of doing it consistently for it to work. He still does it occasionally to test, but now I just tell him, "We don't throw food." in a really calm voice (which I honestly doubt does much anyway) and make sure to really praise him when he doesn't throw when I can tell he's tempted. I think it's really the positive reinforcement that does it.

Do you think that he's doing it to get your attention? Like "Hey mom, I'm done. Please get me down." or is he doing it to get a reaction? Like "Wow, mom's face turns bright red when I do this!" I think if you can figure out the WHY, it would be easier to correct, kwim? I'm not sure this would work at 2.5, but it might... how about a natural consequence? Have him help to clean up the mess after he throws food. Not as a punishment, just a consequence. I'd act really nonchalant- "Ok, it's time to clean up. There's yogurt on the floor, so here's a towel. Wipe it up like this." I'd also try to give him an alternative. "DS, when you're all done eating, please clap your hands/sing a song/make an animal noise- whatever he'd think is fun- so I know you're ready to get down."

Just throwing ideas out. I try to avoid giving advice in regards to an age we haven't gone through yet, but b/c we have dealt with the same behavior with a decent degree of success, I thought I'd post. :)

Good luck. I know how frustrating it is! My poor carpet!

07-21-2006, 09:42 PM
DD has done this almost since she started table foods 6 months ago. I really work on having her hand things to me when she is done. Some days she does great and hands everything to me, other days it's all on the floor. She does more of a toss it off to the side and, since she appears to be right handed, that's the direction it goes and ends up on the wall! Like your DS, she also does it when she is finished. I just try to stop her mid throw and tell her something like "You don't have to throw it, just hand it to me when you are done." If I can stop her mid throw, I then have her hand it to me so she understands the right way. I know that she knows what's right here, but I think it's a game to her. Doesn't help that the dog is right under her chair waiting for the scraps. I think this encourages her to throw at times.

I hope you get some good answers here because I've already tried ignoring it, praising when she does it right (always do this) and showing displeasure when she throws food. So far, nothing has worked to stop it entirely. Doesn't seem to be an attention getting thing, it's just whatever mood she's in at that time.