View Full Version : Wisdom teeth removed while BFing?

07-27-2006, 01:10 PM
My dentist really wants me to have my wisdom teeth removed because one is starting to break through so there's a pocket in my gums that could abscess if a piece of food gets stuck there, etc etc. However, DD is still nursing and I have no plans to wean her - so what do I do? I think they put you on some pretty crazy painkillers afterwards, not to mention the anesthetic for the procedure itself. I would prefer to wait until she weans but dentist seems to think this shouldn't wait that long. Any advice? TIA

http://b1.lilypie.com/XvRAm8/.png (http://lilypie.com)

07-27-2006, 01:46 PM
Ask him exactly what he uses for the procedure, and what he prescribes afterwards. I just had some oral surgery last Friday and everything they used was safe for bf'ing moms (including the painkillers that I've taken round the clock since it was done). Worst case, you may have to pump and dump for a few hours.

07-27-2006, 02:04 PM
If your dentist thinks it should be be done, I would definitely do that, but as Lori said, you can ask him for what specific medications will be given and then ask an LC (since docs don't always know) for the safety of these medications for BFing. If you need to pump and dump (I had to after one of my medical procedures), then just make sure you have some pumped stuff ahead of time for your DD.


http://www.windsorpeak.com/dc/user_files/33734.gif 28 months...
http://www.windsorpeak.com/dc/user_files/33732.gif for Leah

07-27-2006, 02:16 PM
Here is a great list of anesthesia meds and BF:


One on Dental Surgery including wisdom teeth:


and finally pain meds:


I had to be on codine, vicodin and a bunch of other pain killers for about 3 weeks after an injury when DS2 was that age. He was fine. I would try to take the vicodin right after he went to bed at night so it would be several hours before he nursed again. It was more work for DH, though, because I made him get up for all the night feedings to make sure I didn't do something loopy or fall asleep in the glider. :-)

I had wisdom teeth out as a teen and I was off most meds in a few days, until I developed dry sockets.... ask the surgon about the best way to avoid these - they are extremely painful.

07-28-2006, 12:47 AM
I had my wisdom teeth out while I was nursing (actually I was a full time pumper as DS had a weak suck and couldn't nurse)....I asked the oral surgeon about it and he said it was fine. Someone posted a link to kellysmom and I looked at that to check. Although the pain medication I was prescribed was listed in the safe range, I never took it....my pain was managable just with tylenol so I figured if I didn't absolutely need it why bother, kwim? However, if my pain level had been greater I would have taken the meds right after pumping to put as much distance between the med and DS getting the milk.

FWIW, I was terrified to have my teeth yanked....had put it off for YEARS, but when one got infected and it was the worse pain ever I decided no more procrastination. It really wasn't bad at all. (I have heard the dry socket thing is horrible though).