View Full Version : Eating Schedule

03-01-2007, 12:20 PM
My baby is 6 months old and we just started solids. What is a good schedule for her? How many servings of rice or oatmeal, veggie, and fruit do you do? She is also still getting breastmilk with every meal. Is it good to give the bottle after the food or before- what size bottles should I be making? This is all so confusing!!

03-01-2007, 01:17 PM
milk first always at this age! Keep doing the same amount of milk at this point and see what she does, if she starts leaving some maybe back down but she should still be geting most of her nutrients from breastmilk. We did 1 meal/day in the morning starting around 5 1/2-6 months then started supper maybe 7 1/2 months when he started really seeming to want something around then, and then lunch at 8 1/2 months maybe? Now he's a year and eats 3 meals and usually an afternoon snack.

here's a link to wholesome baby foods. It's a great website.
lalecheleague also has a solids forum, the info/reccomendations there tend towards the conservative (starting solids later etc, but lots of good info there.

Enjoy it, I love watching DS eat, especially now that he does a lot of finger foods. Nothing like playing 1,000 piece of rice pick up off the floor at the chinese restaurant!