View Full Version : Slow weight gain... more questions

07-19-2007, 11:02 AM
I had posted last week about DD's slow weight gain and took all the suggestions I was given. I started feeding DD more often, on both sides and for longer stretches, doing better about drinking water, eating oatmeal, etc. Yesteday I got into the ped, who was still concerned about the lack of gain. She suggested that I try to feed DD as much as possible, but then to try giving her 2 oz of formula or expressed milk to see if she would take it. I tried that yesterday and she polished off 2 oz after each feed. I didn't do it at night, but I also didn't have too many feedings since DD slept to 4 am for the first time ever. The ped also sent us for blood work because she was concerned that DD looked pale. She had us check her iron, glucose, and elctrolyte levels as well as her blood counts.

So here is my question - if a BF baby takes 2 oz from a bottle after a feeding, is that a sure sign that she is still hungry after the feed or is it simply because the food is there, so she eats it?

The other question, is concerning iron - if we find that her iron levels are low (which would cause both the paleness and the low weight gain), why would that be the case?

I appreciate all your help. I am quite worried about DD :(

Thank you,

07-19-2007, 02:18 PM
Nothing but hugs here. We are going through the exact same thing.
I will say, from what I've read, just b/c they polish off a bottle after nursing it isn't necessarily a sign they are not getting enough at the breast.
Sigh, I'm worried about my DS too. Hopefully both of our DC will start gaining faster.
Alex Feb '03
Zachary July '07

07-19-2007, 03:17 PM
Just because a baby takes a bottle does not mean that they are still hungry.

Has she gained weight at all? What is her rate of gain (how many ounces per week)? How is she doing on the weight charts, not where is she, but is she maintaining her growth curve? How is she doing developmentally?

At 6 months, Amy had only gained 8 ounces since her 4 month appointment. At that time the ped REALLY bumped up her reflux meds and added another. Since then her weight gain has been more on target. She is still small, but she is now gaining at a more appropriate rate. Silent reflux is a big culprit for weight gain issues.

Weight gain info for bf babies:

Supply info:

Tips for weigt gain:

Reflux info:

Anemia info:

07-19-2007, 03:32 PM

What are the symptoms of silent reflux? Is there a test for it?

She gained 100 grams in the past week, which I think is about 3.5 oz. She is gaining thanks to many of the suggestions that I received here. The ped wouldn't be concerned if it was just a lack of weight gain, I think. Part of the thing that worries me is that she felt it was important enough to send us for blood work. She told me that she usually suggests all the other things first (to increase her weight gain) and only suggest blood tests if there is a possibility of other stuff going on, so obviously that worries me more!

07-19-2007, 03:54 PM
Sorry nak

Here is a list of reflux symptoms


Blood work is a typical first line ped reaction to low weight gain.

That gain is a little low bit close to what they want no?

Most peds try something like Zantac or Prevacid first since the tests for reflux are invasive.

07-19-2007, 04:09 PM
100 grams a week is right on target for a 2 month old. Hopefully the blood tests will be normal and reassuring for you and your doctor.