View Full Version : Please share what you pack for your DC's Lunch

06-09-2007, 09:27 PM
Please share any creative things you put in your DC's lunchbox. Specifically, I am looking for ideas outside of cold sandwiches, items that don't need to be heated up, and things that are peanut-free. My 2 yo DD is so picky and I just don't know what to fix her.

Also, if you have any creative ways of getting your DC to try something new please let me know. I have a stubborn little one. Thanks for your help!

06-10-2007, 02:18 PM
Here are a few of my DD'S favorites:

Lunchables (ham, cheese, crackers)
Soup, stays warm in a small thermos. She loves noodle soup and I drain a lot of the liquid so it is mostly just noodles.
Celery with peanut butter and raisins (can substitute cream cheese for pb)
Chicken nuggets, precooked
turkey roll ups with cheese
Cream cheese and jelly roll up
celery with ranch dip

Looking forward to hearing other ideas!


06-10-2007, 09:11 PM
There was a thread on the Feeding Baby page that has a lot of good luncg ideas:

You could put warm things in a thermos or wrapped in foil if they don't heat things up for you.

For picky eaters- I have been known to make "cute" food for ds (sandwiches cut with a cookie cutter) or faces made out of raisins on sandwiches. Skewering veggies or fruit could work. Dip works great as well- carrots and dip (they sell these prepackaged at WF and Trader Joe's for sure), pita and hummus, fruit and yogurt...

I think ds' favorite meal was bread or a bagel with cream cheese. You can shred veggies into the cream cheese if you want to give it some oomph.

I got some good ideas (that I am blanking on!) in the Family Fun cookbooks that I found at the library.

They say it takes at least 10 exposures to a new food sometimes before it will be accepted. Keep trying different foods. Someday it may just click. :)


06-11-2007, 01:51 PM
Thanks for your suggestions and links. I am trying to stay patient with my little one and know it takes time. However, we spend so much $$ at the grocery getting new foods we think our DD will like and they end up going to waste. I have to have faith things will improve. Just hate to see wasted food and $$. Thanks for the info. I am going to take a look and hopefully something will work.

06-11-2007, 02:39 PM
BTDT! It's SO annoying to go out and buy stuff for a specifically kid-friendly recipe that they then won't touch. MOstly, I've stopped bothering and just fix my 2yo dd "snack" foods, which go over best: rolled up lunch meat, healthy crackers (like Kashi 7-grain), cheese sticks or chunks, baby carrots, etc. Then I try not to obsess about how much/little she is eating. She takes pretty good care of herself, especially when I'm not looking :)

Mama to Jack 6/02 and Maddy 12/04

Babywearing education in Napa, CA

06-26-2007, 06:36 AM
I have found this site inspiring:

we've not vegan, but it is easy to de-veganize these ideas IMO. Yes, she's a little over the top on creativity, but there are a lot of great ideas on her site. The archives are on the left hand side of the page...that's where the good stuff is.