View Full Version : I'm sorry I'm skinny!

01-09-2008, 03:10 AM
Okay, I know I'm not going to get a lot of sympathy for this, but hear me out.

I'm 6' tall. Before I got pregnant with DS, I weighed 125 pounds. I gained 31 pounds during that pregnancy. A month after he was born, I was back in my size 2 jeans. I now weigh 118 pounds.

Okay, so now that every woman here hates me, let me continue my story.

I know that I'm skinny. Probably too skinny. But I've always been this way. I modeled throughout high school and college, which was really easy because I had the "right" body type. I don't work out to be thin. I work out to stay in shape, but I definitely don't overdo it (if anything, I'm not nearly disciplined enough about it). I don't try to diet. In fact, I eat more than my 6'6" 230 pound husband does at every meal. I even started drinking an Ensure after breakfast every morning to try to gain some weight, and I drink a protein shake after every workout.

I've asked my doctor about it several times. We've done all kinds of blood tests, a thyroid test, and lots of other stuff. There's nothing wrong with me. I'm just thin. I'm healthy, but thin. For some reason, I just have a really high metabolism. I'm sure it will slow down one day, but until then, I'm just gonna be skinny, because there's really nothing I can do about it.

Anyway, I said all that to say that I'm really getting sick and tired of the comments people make about it. These are some of the things I've heard recently from friends and family and even random strangers...

- "Girl, you need to eat!"
(Really? Well thanks for sharing that - I probably would have starved to death if you hadn't told me.)

- "You're too skinny."
(Would you tell an overweight person that she's "too fat"? I doubt it. So why is it okay to tell me that I'm too thin? It's still hurtful, and also none of your business.)

- "You look anorexic."
(Well that's just a really freakin' mean thing to say.)

- "You look sick. Like you have AIDS or cancer or something."
(Again, why the hell would you say that to someone?)

- "You should stop breastfeeding. The baby's taking all your food, and that's why you're so skinny."
(That's just stupid. And besides, I eat more now that I'm nursing than I ever did.)

- "You should stop eating vegetables and stuff and just eat a lot of junk food."
(Yeah, because eating a bunch of sugar and empty calories is gonna make me healthier.)

- "I think you like being so thin. I think you do it for attention."
(Um, no. I'm happily married, so I don't need any male attention. And I really don't like people making comments about my weight. And I'm not doing anything to make me so small...it's just the way I am.)

- "You need to stop working out."
(I like the feeling I get from working out. And if I do gain weight, I want it to be muscle, not fat. And it's not like I do it every day anyway...more like 3 times a week, if I'm lucky.)

I'm just getting really sick and tired of people thinking that it's okay to make comments about my weight because I'm unusually thin, when I don't think they'd say the same thing to an overweight person. You're still making a comment about not liking the way my body looks. And it hurts.

Sometimes people really suck. :(

01-09-2008, 03:50 AM
While I will never have this problem, I'm sorry people are making you feel badly. It's amazing how thoughtless people can be at any moment of any day!

01-09-2008, 09:14 AM
I understand what you're going through. I'm actually quite a bit older than you (32) and I'm still very thin. I'm a hair under 6' tall and I weigh about 125 and I eat ice cream most nights as a desert. Not making lots of friends here, I'm sure. While my body has changed somewhat over the years, I can't say my metabolism has slowed down much. I'm sure I could gain weight if I ate really, really poorly but I don't really gain when I eat regular meals with some junk food/snacks. I used to hear most of the comments you posted and I still hear some today. In fact, I remember having to ask my mother what anorexia was when some older women said to me that I looked anorexic! (I was about 10 years old at the time and ate plenty.)

I also lost my baby weight really quickly and don't have a post-baby belly so I've definitely caught some slack about that, especially when my DD was younger and everyone thought I should still be struggling with my weight. I don't have stretch marks either and that REALLY pissed one person off (I didn't make a point of telling her, she asked me how bad mine were and I told her that I didn't get any---whew, was she annoyed!) When I was pregnant and carrying small, people were regularly "freaking out" about how I "didn't look pregnant" to them. At the time, my OB/GYN was very reassuring that I was healthy and gaining weight appropriately. When my DD was born several week prematurely, a couple of EXTREMELY obnoxious people actually suggested that maybe I had CAUSED the prematurity by being too thin. I was very hurt by this and actually questioned myself about it for awhile. My OB/GYN was emphatic that I had not caused the prematurity and that I had indeed gained plenty of weight and that my baby was not underweight for her gestational age when she was born. Anyway, I didn't intend to go on so much, I guess I'm just trying to commiserate.

It is entirely rude for people to make the comments they've made to you and me. I think what makes me able to deal with it better is that I understand that often it is a little bit of envy on their part. If you're like me, you don't walk around thinking you're so great looking. In fact, you're probably too keenly aware of your "blemishes" or "faults" but others probably see you as an ideal and wish they could be more like you. It makes it easier on them to think that you have to work really hard at looking the way you do, rather than that you quite naturally stay thin and are tall.

01-09-2008, 11:11 AM

#1 Got to agree, comments like that are rude.

Now I can understand if people are making these kinds of comments behind your back (after all, I've heard things like "she need to learn to push away from the table" said ABOUT fat people, but never said TO a fat person).

#2 Still breast feeding after 10 months? Congratulations!

#3 Personal question (I ask only because this thread is about "your body"). What is your bra size (or at least cup size)? I ask because what you have described so far sounds a lot like a woman in our Sunday School class. She's ultra skinny, got pregnant, almost instantly dropped the weight, and now with a one year old almost looks anorexic. In other words, some of the comments you've mentioned have gone through my mind, and perhaps shared between DW and my self. But we would NEVER hint at saying such things to her directly. But one of the things that makes her (and many of these ridiculously skinny models) look anorexic is they are not only skinny, but have no boobs what so ever. But you seem to indicate that you are still breast feeding. If so, I just can't imagine that you are flat chested like these other anorexics. But if you are not flat chested, I can't image someone thinking you're anorexic (unless they also think you've got implants).

Yes I might be getting too personal with question #3. If you think so, then just ignore question #3. But otherwise I just asking to clear up the suppositions in my mind (only flat chested women look anorexic, and breast feeding women are not flat chested).

01-09-2008, 11:11 AM
I'm sorry they are hurtful. There is never any excuse for people to be rude like that.

You gotta know that those people are saying that stuff because they are jealous. Although you may not see it this way, they think you've won the lottery. Besides you and Vludmilla, there are just a handful of people in the world who have your stats. And society adores your body type. So for those people who have nearly killed themselves (and I mean that literally) to look like you, you have the golden goose and they want it. They are resentful of you. That's WHY they make those comments but, of course, that is not an excuse for making them.

If it helps at all, just pity them. My mom yearned her whole life to be thin and tried every yo-yo diet there was to achieve it. She was miserable her whole life about her weight. I KNOW there are so many others out there like her. And you'll probably get more comments now right after New Years because this is the time when people make their exercise New Years' Resolutions (ever notice how this time of year there are so many commercials and ads for weight loss products?). So, when people make those comments, just remind yourself how much they are aching inside. It might help you empathize with them and maybe the comments won't hurt as much?

isn't it nice to be able to come here and know that we can't see you so we like you for who you are, regardless of what you look like?

btw, Avery is going to be one tall kid!!

01-09-2008, 11:35 AM
I'm not as skinny as I used to be, but I'm still underweight. I know how frustrating and hurtful the comments can be. Gwen has exactly my build as a child - she doesn't even register on the "stature" growth chart - and I hate it that people are already starting to make skinny comments in front of her.

Some of the gems I've gotten over the years include:

"You're so thin, you make me sick." That is SUCH a nice thing to say. Putting a little laugh at the end doesn't make it any more polite.

"If you gained weight, maybe you'd grow breasts." Excuse me? In what world is that an appropriate thing to say? And not accurate, either. I was 30lbs heavier while on meds at one time, and I still couldn't get above a slight B cup.

Aside from the hurtful comments, being skinny isn't a cakewalk.
* I'm cold all. the. time. I've had hypothermia twice. I sleep in long underwear under my pjs.
* I used to get bruises on my hips from my jeans.
* My doctor couldn't prescribe a certain medication (the most appropriate one) because a side effect is weight loss.
* It hurts to sit on an unpadded chair. Heck, it's uncomfortable on a padded one.
* My DD would rather cuddle with Daddy because he's more padded. :(

01-09-2008, 12:10 PM
Personal question (I ask only because this thread is about "your body"). What is your bra size (or at least cup size)? ...In other words, some of the comments you've mentioned have gone through my mind, and perhaps shared between DW and my self. But we would NEVER hint at saying such things to her directly. ...If so, I just can't imagine that you are flat chested like these other anorexics. But if you are not flat chested, I can't image someone thinking you're anorexic (unless they also think you've got implants).

Yes I might be getting too personal with question #3. If you think so, then just ignore question #3. But otherwise I just asking to clear up the suppositions in my mind (only flat chested women look anorexic, and breast feeding women are not flat chested).

Jal! How nice to see you after such a long absence. Don't you think it's a little strange to pop on and ask an utter stranger her bra size? I know you reference your wife, but still. A little decorum, maybe?

I don't think it's fair to Stacy to make her even more self conscious of her body by asking the size of her breasts. But as you might know, Stacy is *very* capable of making her thoughts known. I guess I'm just feeling a little protective of the Birthday Celebrant.


01-09-2008, 12:16 PM
Aw, thanks for looking out for me Marisa!

But to answer the question...I've always been very small-chested (like most thin people), but I did get some more up top when Avery was born. Unfortunately, now that DS is nursing less as he becomes more interested in solids, the girls are shrinking (much to DH's disappointment, lol). Ah well...can't have it all, I guess.

Weird question, but I can see where you're coming from.

01-09-2008, 01:48 PM
Okay, I know I'm not going to get a lot of sympathy for this, but hear me out.
I'm 6' tall. Before I got pregnant with DS, I weighed 125 pounds. I gained 31 pounds during that pregnancy. A month after he was born, I was back in my size 2 jeans. I now weigh 118 pounds.
Okay, so now that every woman here hates me, let me continue my story.

This is what I don't understand...who do you think "every woman here" would hate you?
From what you have described, you can not put on weight. You are skinny enough that others have said you look unhealthy, and you yourself have been concerned enough about it that you have asked your Doctor several times and had tests run to see if there was something else going on.
It certainly doesn't sound like fun to me!

I am 5' 10. At my LIGHTEST I weighed just over 120 pounds and I did not feel good. At all. I looked amazing in shorts but I was anemic- losing my hair, bruising all over, had no energy, etc. Supplements did nothing for me.
I felt my healthiest at 150. I looked great and felt great. I am now 180 and feel pretty good- I am still healthy enough to chase after my girls, etc., but I am not as in shape as I could be and my butt is fat. I am losing weight as I always do during the first two trimesters of pregnancy but I know I will gain it back at the end, and after this baby pops out I will have my work cut out for me!
My point (I'm getting to it, I swear) is that I found no matter what weight I was, there was someone who felt it was not where I should be, and said so.
People are just like that. You know what weight you feel healthy at, and you know what you need to do to stay/get there, and that is what matters.

01-09-2008, 01:48 PM
Marisa, thank you for watching out for us posters!! i thought that question was a little strange before I even noticed the poster was a male. I didn't read the entire post, just couldn't figure out where the question was coming from. It seemed a bit off in left field. hmmm....

01-09-2008, 02:12 PM
You're right Alicia - I guess I'm just so used to friends who struggle to keep their weight down complaining when I gripe about being too thin. It's like because society doesn't see being underweight as being undesirable as being overweight is, I'm not allowed to complain about my problems with my body.

Thanks for understanding that. :)

01-09-2008, 02:15 PM
how very rude of people! Its none of their business unless you're actively soliciting their advice about being thin. DH is one of those people who can eat anything and still be super-skinny (he always makes me feel fat in my size 4 body :)). Embrace yourself and be happy that you're healthy and have the kind of body that many women would envy! Here's what I would do:

- "Girl, you need to eat!"
I do. All the time. All kinds of stuff. I'm just lucky I never lose the super-model look.

-"You're too skinny."
Really? My former modeling agency don't seem to think so. They keep pestering me to come back and model for (insert name of favorite fashion magazine here)

- "You look anorexic."
Its the look of the moment. Have you seen Kiera Knightley?

- "You look sick. Like you have AIDS or cancer or something."
Looks can be so deceiving. Looking at you, no-one would think you're such a big jerk. (OK, I know that is mean, but heck, that's one mean comment)

- "You should stop breastfeeding. The baby's taking all your food, and that's why you're so skinny."
Oh I breastfeed because it allows me to eat more. I intend to keep breastfeeding Keith for the next 4 or 5 years, since they stopped fen/phen, I didn't know what to do until I discovered breastfeeding.

- "You should stop eating vegetables and stuff and just eat a lot of junk food."
Oh, I do. I'm just eating veggies today for a break. Sometimes ice bream for breakfast, lunch and dinner gets too sweet.

- "I think you like being so thin. I think you do it for attention."
Of course. And I get a lot of it. (Insert wink here).

- "You need to stop working out."
Why? I might get fat.

01-09-2008, 02:15 PM
how very rude of people! Its none of their business unless you're actively soliciting their advice about being thin. DH is one of those people who can eat anything and still be super-skinny (he always makes me feel fat in my size 4 body :)). Embrace yourself and be happy that you're healthy and have the kind of body that many women would envy! Here's what I would do:

- "Girl, you need to eat!"
I do. All the time. All kinds of stuff. I'm just lucky I never lose the super-model look.

-"You're too skinny."
Really? My former modeling agency don't seem to think so. They keep pestering me to come back and model for (insert name of favorite fashion magazine here)

- "You look anorexic."
Its the look of the moment. Have you seen Kiera Knightley?

- "You look sick. Like you have AIDS or cancer or something."
Looks can be so deceiving. Looking at you, no-one would think you're such a big jerk. (OK, I know that is mean, but heck, that's one mean comment)

- "You should stop breastfeeding. The baby's taking all your food, and that's why you're so skinny."
Oh I breastfeed because it allows me to eat more. I intend to keep breastfeeding Keith for the next 4 or 5 years, since they stopped fen/phen, I didn't know what to do until I discovered breastfeeding.

- "You should stop eating vegetables and stuff and just eat a lot of junk food."
Oh, I do. I'm just eating veggies today for a break. Sometimes ice bream for breakfast, lunch and dinner gets too sweet.

- "I think you like being so thin. I think you do it for attention."
Of course. And I get a lot of it. (Insert wink here).

- "You need to stop working out."
Why? I might get fat.

01-09-2008, 02:19 PM
I intend to keep breastfeeding Keith for the next 4 or 5 years, since they stopped fen/phen, I didn't know what to do until I discovered breastfeeding.

OMG, I just laughed so hard I almost peed on myself! Keith's my husband...Avery's the baby! :)

And I liked your comeback to the "you look sick" comment - people can be so rude!

01-09-2008, 03:05 PM
Aw, thanks for looking out for me Marisa!

But to answer the question...I've always been very small-chested (like most thin people), but I did get some more up top when Avery was born. Unfortunately, now that DS is nursing less as he becomes more interested in solids, the girls are shrinking (much to DH's disappointment, lol). Ah well...can't have it all, I guess.

Weird question, but I can see where you're coming from.


Sorry I couldn't come up with a more tackful way of inquiring. I normally would not have dared asked... but this is something of a thread about your body. I'm impressed with how tackful and tasteful your answer was, and thanks for being understanding.

01-09-2008, 07:36 PM
I had a friend who had a body like yours--only she was shorter. poor girl, if she stood sideways and stuck her tongue out she could have been a zipper!! She is the only person I know who had to gain weight to fit into her wedding dress. She also had a totally functional family who she really liked. Our friends never wanted to hear her complain about anything--they were nasty. I have always struggled to keep a healthy weight (usually over by 5-10 lbs) but I totally got that she was struggling with her own issues. I found some weight gain shake recipes for her and was very supportive of her. Everyone has their own "cross to bear" and we should NOT judge others because they have a different one than we do. yeesh.

I LOVED the smart remarks from the PP--too funny.

01-09-2008, 07:41 PM
Many hugs to you, Stacy. Everyone's green monster comes out when they see something that they can never be or have. Some of us are meant to be tall and thin, others short and stout. :hug5:

01-09-2008, 11:28 PM
I have received some of the same mean comments that you have all my life too. I agree with you.. people can be so mean and just suck sometimes. Don't they know we see ourselves in the mirror? But I love my body. And I've told myself that's all that matters. Bonus that my husband loves my body too. Knowing that you have been able to breastfeed as long as you have gives me much hope that I can too!

I'm happy for you being able to fit into your clothes so soon! I miss my favorite jeans.. and shirt.. and jacket..

01-10-2008, 02:08 AM
I know where you're coming from, but just wait a while and you may catch up. I have always been thin and I definitely do not watch what I eat and I don't exercise, but have a very active job and it seems I never sit still. I did not gain much during my pregnancy either and once DD was born, I just kept losing weight. I am 5'7" and weighed 118-120 when I got pg. It took me longer than you (and I'm older, I think), but maybe 4-6 months to get back to pre-pregnancy weight and clothes. Then, I kept losing and losing until I was down to 110. I had not weighed that little since college and I was now 40yo. Everyone was getting concerned because I looked so bad and even I was a little worried since the weight loss wouldn't stop no matter what I did. I am hypothryoid so I had my levels checked and they were fine. I think it's just our bodies adjusting to the pregnancy and birth. Everyone responds differently.

Finally, when DD was about 2yo, I started to gain my weight back. Then, I just kept gaining and it wouldn't stop! I finally leveled out around 125, but that is more than I'm used to and I could lose some of it in my butt and hips. When I was too skinny, people worried. Now, my own Mom told me my butt got big! I wear a size 2 or 4 for crying out loud! I only say I could lose some in my butt because I can't get clothes to fit right. I'm fine with my weight, but wish I was more fit. I applaud you for your commitment to that :bighand:

No matter what, people feel they have the right to comment on your body. Just forget what they say and know that you are healthy. I used to eat tons of food and never gained either. Wait until you hit 40 - you'll gain some weight - lol! You may actually start gaining again in the next year, who knows? I like Alicia's attitude about it all. Just be happy with yourself and don't let what others say hurt you. I guarantee if you start gaining weight, those same people will make rude comments about that.

01-10-2008, 02:18 AM
I don't have your problem now as I'm still holding onto about 20 pounds of baby weight, but in high school I got skinny comments all the time and you know they hurt just as bad as the other kind. (I know how the other comments feel also as I weighed nearly 190 pounds when I gave birth this last time so I really have "spanned the spectrum".) Just remember to love your body and not to pay too much heed to the critics who (for whatever motivation) are overly concerned with your body. It is working great as evidenced by your healthy baby who has bf for 10 months. I'm sure that you are beautiful so keep smiling and don't let the small minded people get you down!

01-10-2008, 08:18 AM
DS is buggin' me, but super quick...

my best friend is super skinny. people ask me "how she stays so thin." and i tell them the truth. it is her body type. she looks just like her mom. she is just made that way. i watch her eat all the time and she eats the same things i do- mostly healthy food in reasonable portions with the occasionally brownie attack. she does nothing to "maintain" her thin-ness.

so sorry people are so mean. just tell them the truth. this is my body type and i can't seem to change it.

01-10-2008, 07:05 PM
btw, Avery is going to be one tall kid!!

Yeah, DH and I joke that we're breeding NBA players...we wanna retire early. :D

Thanks for being so understanding, everyone. :hug5: Sometimes people can just be so insensitive.

01-10-2008, 08:01 PM
LOL, Stacy. I'd say you could "cross" them with my kids (who are destined to be extremely short), but you have a boy as well. Oh well! If you wind up having a girl, let me know. We could even out the height thing for the next generation.

01-10-2008, 08:21 PM
Just to be the devils advocate here....

I'm not saying you are too skinny or not, and I'm certainly not jealous. But at your weight/height you are below the BMI of 18, which puts you underweight. In fact at your lower weight your BMI is one that as a health care person I should consider anorexia nervosa as a cause. I know a few people who are below the line on BMI who are clearly healthy and just thin. (good skin, hair looking healthy, slightly frame) However, the majority of people/friends I've that fall below that line have a unhealthy relationship with food to say the least. I've had many overweight friends who also don't have a good relationship with food. So not addressing the other comments, you can't really be surprised people wonder if something is wrong. This all is made so much more complicated by the fact that eating disorders go hand in hand with denial/lying/hidden behavior. I've had patients with eating disorders, and it is just heartbreaking to watch. I have a friend with a borderline problem, which she will never admit to. So it might just be a few comments and not motivated by jealousy, but concern, even if it is misplaced. And I guarantee you morbidly obese people (from BMI definition) get I LOT more comments than you do on a daily basis, and none of them positive.

01-10-2008, 08:46 PM
Posted by dogmom... "And I guarantee you morbidly obese people (from BMI definition) get a LOT more comments than you do on a daily basis, and none of them positive."

----As a tall and skinny person, ITA. I think it is rude to complain about being too skinny to people who struggle with their weight. I may struggle with my low weight sometimes but really, who has the tougher burden, me or the person who is overweight?

One other thing, though. I disagree with Dogmom's comment about anorexia. I am pretty well-versed in eating disorders and other psychiatric illnesses because I am a psychologist. BMI is only ONE indicator of anorexia. The diagnostic criteria require that an individual be AT LEAST 15% underweight but the person MUST have other symptoms in order to qualify for this diagnosis. Stacy is just barely 15% underweight and she describes eating quite well. If she can produce enough good quality milk to have a healthy 10 month old, then she can't be starving herself.


01-10-2008, 09:02 PM
I know a few people who are below the line on BMI who are clearly healthy and just thin. (good skin, hair looking healthy, slightly frame)

That would be me. Really. Even my doctor swears that I'm healthy, just very thin. I'm not complaining about people who honestly seem concerned about my health. I'm complaining about people who just make off-hand comments, not out of concern, just seemingly to have something to say. I think it's rude to comment on anyone's body, unless you're asked.

But I do understand and appreciate your concern. :)

And I guarantee you morbidly obese people (from BMI definition) get I LOT more comments than you do on a daily basis, and none of them positive.

I do think that people are definitely more negative towards overweight people. I just don't see people making comments to their faces as often as I get them. It's like people think that because being thin is desirable in our society, it's okay to talk negatively about my body right in front of me, whereas I don't think the same people would say negative things to overweight people. Not that I would want them to, I just don't see why it's "okay" to say things that hurt me and make me doubt my body image, but it's somehow more rude or unacceptable to say things like that to an overweight person.

Any time someone makes a negative comment about your body, it's hurtful, regardless of what you look like.

01-10-2008, 09:07 PM
As a tall and skinny person, ITA. I think it is rude to complain about being too skinny to people who struggle with their weight. I may struggle with my low weight sometimes but really, who has the tougher burden, me or the person who is overweight?

Oh, definitely. I try very hard to avoid the subject of weight around anyone I know who is overweight, because I know that it has to be a struggle and I know that society definitely views being overweight as much more undesirable than being underweight. But when I'm hanging out with girlfriends and they're complaining about this and that ("I hate my hair," "My boobs are too small," "I'm fat," "I want a nose job" etc.) I feel like I can't say anything because really the only problem I have with my body image is that I'm too thin. And I can't seem to do anything about it. And even though I don't say anything to my overweight friends about my own struggles with weight, they still seem to feel like it's okay to tell me that I'm "too skinny" or "anorexic-looking". That hurts, because I would never tell them they're "too fat".

One other thing, though. I disagree with Dogmom's comment about anorexia. I am pretty well-versed in eating disorders and other psychiatric illnesses because I am a psychologist. BMI is only ONE indicator of anorexia. The diagnostic criteria require that an individual be AT LEAST 15% underweight but the person MUST have other symptoms in order to qualify for this diagnosis. Stacy is just barely 15% underweight and she describes eating quite well. If she can produce enough good quality milk to have a healthy 10 month old, then she can't be starving herself.

Thanks for saying that. :) I'll have to remember it as a good comeback when people comment about me looking anorexic or sick.

01-11-2008, 11:44 AM
One other thing, though. I disagree with Dogmom's comment about anorexia. I am pretty well-versed in eating disorders and other psychiatric illnesses because I am a psychologist. BMI is only ONE indicator of anorexia. The diagnostic criteria require that an individual be AT LEAST 15% underweight but the person MUST have other symptoms in order to qualify for this diagnosis. Stacy is just barely 15% underweight and she describes eating quite well. If she can produce enough good quality milk to have a healthy 10 month old, then she can't be starving herself.


BUT I didn't say it is an automatic diagnosis, I just said that as a health care provider once needs to consider it. Just like if someone with a too high BMI walks into an office it would be negligent not to think about type II DM since there is a strong connection. Maybe you haven't seen people who are obviously underweight, and not in a healthy way, going to the infertility doctors wondering why they can't get pregnant. And then have those doctors start then on meds without a discussion of their low BMI and lack of a regular reproductive cycle.

I'm not saying that Stacy is anorexic, if you read my post. I'm just pointing out that although the comments might be hurtful, poor taste, etc. they may very well be motivated out of a real concern upon occasion. For example, I think it would be negligent for her doctor not to ask her about her weight anymore that it would be for a doctor to not to talk about weight with an overweight person.

01-11-2008, 01:39 PM
OMG, I just laughed so hard I almost peed on myself! Keith's my husband...Avery's the baby! :)

And I liked your comeback to the "you look sick" comment - people can be so rude!

Whoops, sorry (insert embarassed smiley here) Its the pregnant mommy brain

01-11-2008, 09:55 PM
I'm not saying that Stacy is anorexic, if you read my post. I'm just pointing out that although the comments might be hurtful, poor taste, etc. they may very well be motivated out of a real concern upon occasion. For example, I think it would be negligent for her doctor not to ask her about her weight anymore that it would be for a doctor to not to talk about weight with an overweight person.

I totally got what you were saying, and I understand where it's coming from. My own doctor was pretty concerned the first time I saw him, and he kept asking DH all these questions about my eating habits at my next appointment. I finally figured out that he was trying to figure out if I had some kind of bad relationship with food. DH was able to assure him that I'm really kind of a pig :p and as all the tests showed I was basically healthy, he decided I was "just skinny". But yeah, I think he was worried about an eating disorder at first. Which I guess is understandable, although I do look pretty healthy if you can discount my weight (good hair, teeth, skin, etc). And the breastfeeding thing - my doctor was quick to recognize that there was no way I could keep up with feeding my little boob addict if I wasn't eating well. :)

01-11-2008, 11:35 PM
Stacey, I keep thinking about your posts and keep coming back to the same thing - your thyroid. Even if your test results are normal, you can *still* have a thyroid problem and you can be treated even if your levels do not show it - you just need to convince your doctor or find one that is willing to consider it. Your appetite, your inability to gain weight, your diagnosis (I think it was mild depression, sorry if I am wrong), among other things all point to that. Not to mention that you are still pretty recently postpartum.

I know I might be wrong, but if you do a search of the layman's literature on thyroid disease, it often takes months, even years to diagnose, partly because of the medical profession's over reliance on test results. Many books on women's health deal with this issue. One of my favorite thyroid books is:


I am 5'5" and was down to 104 lbs and my thyroid tests placed me in the normal range. Many people, including complete strangers, commented on my weight. Months later repeat test results finally showed a problem. So at the very least you should be retested.

My usual weight now is about 120. I also hate it when people act like I should not complain about my body. When I gain five pounds, my clothes don't fit either!

01-12-2008, 03:56 AM
Thanks for the info, Pam. I'm in the process now of finding a new OB (my old one retired) because I've been having really heavy, painful cycles since AF returned a couple months ago (do you know if that could have anything to do with my thyroid?). I think I'll ask him/her about further testing. I would like to gain some weight, and since the antidepressants haven't really helped the "PPD symptoms" that they were prescribed for (fatigue, insomnia, etc), I would like some more opinions.

I appreciate you mentioning this.

01-12-2008, 02:55 PM
I'm late to this thread but I wanted to chime in. In college, I was very, very thin. I'm 5'7 and was 105 lbs. I often got comments that I was super skinny and my MIL commented just a couple of weeks ago that when they met me they thought I was anorexic. Fast forward to today and I really, really miss my super skinny days! I gained quite a bit of weight on medication after having Lauren. I NEVER thought I would need to lose weight and I can assure you that being super thin is about 1 million times better than needing to lose weight.

So, while I understand your frustration, I can tell you that you are super blessed to be thin and the other side of the coin is just no fun at all! :(

01-13-2008, 01:38 AM
Thanks for the info, Pam. I'm in the process now of finding a new OB (my old one retired) because I've been having really heavy, painful cycles since AF returned a couple months ago (do you know if that could have anything to do with my thyroid?). I think I'll ask him/her about further testing. I would like to gain some weight, and since the antidepressants haven't really helped the "PPD symptoms" that they were prescribed for (fatigue, insomnia, etc), I would like some more opinions.

I appreciate you mentioning this.

AF can be affected by thyroid problems. Since you have only had AF back recently, it would be hard to say if it is a symptom of something or just your body adjusting to a new "normal" for you. Insomnia usually indicates hyper. Fatigue goes both ways, I think it is just a different kind of fatigue, IYKWIM. Sometimes people cycle between hyper and hypo.

Mary Shomon is probably the most well known patient advocate:


It's a bit hard to navigate, but she has lots of info there. HTH.