View Full Version : Why do babies stomach's gurgle?

01-18-2008, 10:07 AM
My DS's stomach gurgle *a lot*. And he's usually uncomfortable when it does.

Anyone know why stomach's gurgle?

01-18-2008, 10:56 AM
How old is he? Is he on BM or formula? It could be a sign of an allergy/sensitivity. When DS was an infant you could hear his stomach start to gurgle as the BM or formula (especially the formula) hit his tummy. It turned out to be a dairy allergy.

I hope your little guy is just sensitive. If your BF, try cutting out dairy and see if that helps. If he's on formula, you might want to talk to your ped about switching him to either soy or a Nutramagin-type formula.

01-18-2008, 04:27 PM
I would pay a million dollars to know the answer to that question! (well, if I had say, 200 million, maybe). Greenbean is 8 weeks old and has the same issues. I always figured it was trapped gas and try to burp him. Sometimes that works. sometimes not. I'll be watching this thread since the presence of gurgling and the crying/fussing seem to go hand in hand and I'm almost at wits end.

01-18-2008, 08:57 PM
I'm a moderator at www.infantreflux.org/forum

not all gurgling is reflux but a lot of it is and a lot of it is also
intolerance or allergy related, the main 'culprits' being milk proteins and soy proteins, also referred to as mspi (milk soy protein intolerance)


01-18-2008, 09:25 PM
I think I'm going to check out the forum you refer to. This fussiness/gassiness is just a mystery to me. Maybe I can get more info there. Thanks for the reference!

01-18-2008, 09:36 PM
I gave up dairy & gluten at the beginning of December. I gave up the rest of the top 8 plus corn & a whole lot more about 10 days ago. He's 5.5 months old. We still have the gurgling. I'll check out that other forum.

01-19-2008, 11:09 AM
With DS, this was always a reaction to something he ate and a prelude to the soft "bloop" of reflux. *sigh* Poor guy.