View Full Version : going back to work tomorrow and I want to cry

02-03-2008, 11:13 PM
I have been out of a job for six months but I like to say I had "a little vacation" and got to stay home with DD. I knew the time would eventually come when I would have to go back to work. And, well, I am starting my new job tomorrow and I'm so upset - trying to hold back my tears so I don't make DH feel bad.

I knew I would have to go back to work by the end of six months when my awesome unemployment ended, but I never imagined it would be in a completely different field and that I would be getting just a little more than half of what I was getting paid before! I was hoping I would find something a little more part time but we really need the money so I am going from staying home with DD all day to being out of the house and leaving her at a playgroup from 8:30-5:30 - its just killing me!

Sometimes I just wonder who "created" this work thing and why money needs to exsist. Wouldnt life be so much easier without it?

(Oh and I promised myself to be in bed by 10 tonight so I can start my day early and be awake for work but its now 10:15 and I am just starting to get the house together and under control)

02-04-2008, 10:51 AM
hugs to you, hope your first day goes well!!!!!!!!!!! Here's hoping that this job will grow into a perfect job or that the perfect job turns up soon!!!!

02-04-2008, 11:07 AM
Big hugs! I hope that your first day is going well. It is never easy to leave DC, but it does get easier as you both adjust to the new routine.

02-04-2008, 11:21 AM
Hugs. We moved DS to new daycare recently and each morning is a strugle again. From the moment he wakes up to the moment I close the door of daycare he cries and begs to stay home.

DS says that when he grows up he would stay home with his children. Or take them to work. He also says things like "I wish the week-end was 3 days" or "Can I please go to daycare that is only open on week-ends". And the one that truly breaks my heart is "Don't go to work, mom. I want to be poor. I don't need any toys or candy/ice-cream". Somehow he never asks DH to quit his job.

I am sorry I did not make you feel any better. Just know that you are not alone.

02-04-2008, 04:46 PM
I hope your day went well. i to this day hate taking ds to the babysitters house. i remember my first day back to work like it was yesterday... thinking of you and hoping your weeks get easier!!!!

02-05-2008, 02:52 AM
I'm sorry. I hope your new job is enjoyable.

02-06-2008, 08:16 PM
Focus on how much fun DD will have. It might take a week or so, but my kids love daycare. Of course, I get the transition thing of "I don't want to go" and "I dont want to go home", but that's normal. Really, I found out it was more my issue than theirs. Now they wave goodbye and practically push me out the door and then come running with kisses when I show up. It's a tough transition, but you'll make it.