View Full Version : Shower Crankiness... and my cattiness

02-17-2008, 11:23 AM
I'm expecting my first in July. My MIL is planning a shower that is VERY me... My aunts, my mom's sisters who live an hour away decided that they wanted to do a seperate shower. I could hope that part of the reason is that they are trying to be involoved... with my mom being gone they are trying to do something nice. The problem is, I know that's why my gram, and my other aunt want to do it. The two doing most of the planning, they're the type that do it to impress people. They've picked a ritzy restaurant, where its going to be dificult to have DH come in at the end to say hi. They've picked foods, 3 choices for a sit down meal that I DON'T EAT!!!!! and when I mentioned that maybe they should talk to me about food since I'm into the food aversion thing at the moment... the put the three choices out there but in a way that would be difficult to change their mind on anything.
This is a baby shower, not a wedding reception. I'm miserable with nothing to do to fix it.

Ok that's my rant.

02-17-2008, 02:35 PM
My suggestion is to enjoy the MIL shower. And just grin and bear the other shower. If you can't do that, then tell your aunts that the doctor has forbidden you to eat any of the foods they've chosen.

It should always be about the pregnant woman, imo.

02-17-2008, 03:34 PM
Get the name of the restaurant and then call them up on your own and tell them that the shower is in your honor and you need XYZ to eat. I would go around your family and just order it on your own. The restaurant should accommodate you, especially if you pick something that's easy for them, like a salad and pasta or simple chicken breast.

02-17-2008, 06:11 PM
Thanks for the suggestions. I know I'll enjoy the shower given by my MIL... and I'll enjoy seeing some of the people at the other shower. I think I will call the restaurant, if I can't get my one aunt to see it my way. If I figure out how to approach it without it putting her on the defensive. I don't think the restaurant will have a problem w/ any requests, because it's lunchtime for the actually dining areas.

These pregnancy hormones aren't doing me any favors... and neither was the first comment out of one of their mouths yesterday.... that I don't look pregnant ( my waist has gained 7"... tho i haven't gained any weight... so thanks for telling me i just look fat)
I cried most of the way home last night and woke up angry about the whole situation today. My husband made the comment last night that wasn't I glad he enabled me to escape the insanity... he has NO idea how glad I am.

02-17-2008, 08:09 PM
Oh you poor thing. I sympathize on two fronts: first, I was one of those people who told everyone "no shower please"....... and ended up with two. And on another note, a few days ago a coworker who I see everyday said to me: "Oh, I just heard your good news! Congratulations!" I am 35 weeks!!

Think of it this way: A shower is, after all, just a couple of hours of your life. If you ask for what you want, and are denied, well - that's just other people being dumb. So, try to get as much amusement from it as you can, and hope that at least the cake is good.

I don't mean to minimize your feelings at all - this is just the way I've been trying to deal with these things . Inspired by the PBS reruns they've been showing of "Pride & Prejudice" where Elizabeth Bennett secretly overhears rich Mr. Darcy insulting her, and she just gets a fit of the giggles to hear someone behaving like such a pompous ass. That's what I try to do: don't take slights and insults to heart since since that gives others the power to make you miserable. Just laugh at silly people who have not been blessed with any sense.