View Full Version : Shanamama...

03-07-2008, 02:41 AM
I was thinking of you today, just wondering if you were ever able to get relief for your heartburn or if you ever attempted the ACV?

I hope you're feeling better!

05-15-2008, 11:02 PM
Hey, I just happened upon this post which I somehow missed originally. Thanks for asking. I did try the ACV which was a disaster. I decided to be smarter than anyone and just drink it straight up. Looked kinda like apple juice, so how bad could it be... suffice it to say that everything I ate that day came right back up!
I ended up restarting Nexium against the recommendation of my GI. In my last appt I mentioned it to my mw and she wasn't thrilled, so I'm now on Prilosec. It's actually working pretty well. I just can't wait to get back on my Nexium. I should buy shares in the company or at least get a salary for how much I advertise it, LOL.