View Full Version : FP Soothing Motions Glider

03-27-2008, 02:20 PM
Anyone have experience with this?

Soothing Motions Glider (http://www.target.com/Fisher-Price-Soothing-Motions-Glider/dp/B000B4SVM4/qid=1206641393/ref=br_1_10/601-4143288-7755337?ie=UTF8&node=1041926&frombrowse=1&pricerange=&index=tgt-mf-mv&field-browse=1041926&rank=price&rh=&page=1)

I know there have been many, many threads about swings already, but I just don't know what I want to get. This is the cheapest I have seen that provides side to side motion. All I ever had with DS1 was crappy hand me down swing that died quickly. I figure I will need more free hands this time with a 3 yo though. I wasn't thinking of this for a sleeping place as much as just somewhere they would be happy put down for a while. This one seems like it is a much more laying down position than others.

ETA: Ugh maybe I'll just skip the swing again this time. So much money for something I don't know if I'll use. DS1 loved the vibrating bouncy. Of course those broke regularly, and I would have to replace them :(

03-27-2008, 03:16 PM
I got this FP Soothing Motions swing on Craigslist for $40 and have really appreciated it. It gives me a place to put her down quickly when I need to go to the bathroom or do something else using both hands. The toy bar comes off, which is how I mostly use it, but you can also attach other toys to the bar using plastic "Links". She seemed to tire quickly of the two teddy bears b/c they don't do much, but liked other toys. She used to fall asleep in there sometimes when she was younger, but I haven't tried it lately. (She's now 15 weeks old.) I really have liked having this because I can put a blanket behind her to change the "background" and take really good photos of her laying there. It's like a perfect little "cradle" for photos... I've gotten LOTS of excellent ones (especially even posed ones with her holding a sign or something) using this.

The lady I got it from was selling it b/c her daughter had outgrown it by 9 months old.