View Full Version : Pregnant grad student could use a little sympathy...

03-29-2008, 08:28 PM
So I'm 6 1/2 months pregnant, have an awful headcold (for which, of course, I can't really take any effective meds, due the pregnancy), and have to take the second half of my PhD candidacy exams on Monday. It's an all-day thing, from about 8:00-4:30, consisting of a series of timed essays. Naturally, my (at this point very frequent) bathroom breaks come out of my essay time :-( I'm sure I'll feel much better once this test is over, but I sure wish I was in better condition to take it! And I wish I could take something to help me breathe/sleep at night to make sure I'm rested for the big day...any suggestions for pregnancy-safe meds? I'd ask my OB, but I know I won't get a response in time since this is the weekend.

03-29-2008, 08:31 PM

I don't have any meds recommendations, but I sympathize. You're going to do great, I'm sure, but it would sure would help to feel better while nailing it!

03-29-2008, 08:41 PM
Hugs!! Sounds like a stressful time, but I'm sure you'll pass with flying colors!!

As for meds, the only ones I remember being able to take were tylenol, robitussin and sudafed. Since sudafed is a decongestant, maybe that would help. Also, elevate the head of your bed (stick a pillow between the matress and box spring) or sleep more upright in a recliner (if you can sleep that way). Get a humidifier and run it all night. Try saline spray to loosen the goo in your sinuses. Or, if you're really daring, try a saline sinus rinse or use a neti pot. The saline rinse sounds weird, but I swear it really works. It loosens everything up, reduces swelling and makes you feel better overall. Here's the one I use: http://www.drugstore.com/products/prod.asp?pid=142205&catid=47206&brand=43763&trx=PLST-0-BRAND&trxp1=47206&trxp2=142205&trxp3=1&trxp4=0&btrx=BUY-PLST-0-BRAND. I paid about $12 for it at CVS, and I've seen it at a ton of other drug stores lately.

GL and let us know how you do on your exams!!

03-29-2008, 08:55 PM
I hope you feel better. I had a migraine while taking a bar exam. Even though I was miserable, I did fine, and I am sure you will too!

Here is a link to a babycenter.com chart listing medications that are generally low risk in pregnancy:


You should have an on call doctor who could approve a particular medicine. I have taken Benadryl while pregnant, with approval of my doctor. It helped to ease the congestion and let me sleep. I only took 1, instead of 2 to minimize amount of medicine and morning drowsiness.

Good luck!

03-29-2008, 09:04 PM
Definitely get the Nasal Rinse that Sarah recommended!

I used it every single day to clear out my sinus cavity. It works

I just saw them at Rite Aid.

03-29-2008, 09:11 PM
Mucinex should be ok. I'm not sure if it will help as quickly as you need it to, but it shouldn't cause drowsiness.

03-29-2008, 11:08 PM
Thanks for all of the encouragement and suggestions! I'll definitely give these a try...it's a good thing CVS is open 24 hours!

03-30-2008, 01:15 AM
like pp's said, neti pots are great! i use mine for allergies and head colds. if my nose is so stuffed that the salt water won't pour through, i run up and down the stairs until it clears :)

here is a link for the neti pot i like. this page has link to see a neti pot demonstration on oprah (i finally worked up the nerve to try the neti after seeing it!).

03-30-2008, 09:12 AM
benadryl and sudafed are OK according to my OB group. I second the saline, and would also suggest a humidifier and breathe right strips

03-30-2008, 03:34 PM
Try one of those sudacare plug ins-they have medicine in the pads that you put in the plug in which warrms it up and permeates thru the room, helps alot, alco vicks vapor rub-maybe a little under your nose may help as well-i know it helps clear me up a lot. hope you feel better soon.