View Full Version : First week of Bootcamp - review

04-04-2008, 09:21 PM
I thought I'd post about my experiences, in case anyone else was considering bootcamp.

The first few days of getting up at 5am were really tough, the flashback to the scale at weigh-in helped get me out of bed. Then the next 3 days, were easier. I expect this to be the case each week after the break on the weekend. I am not a morning person, never ever ever thought I would get up sooooo early, but it hasn't been too bad. There was an amazing sunrise this morning, and the other day I stopped at the grocery store on my way home and did all the shopping by 7.30am - not bad.

For the first few days, I would collapse either during DS' nap, or I crawled back into bed when I got home leaving DH to deal with DS until he left for work. But the last few days, I've had early appointments, so I've had to stay up, and it's been OK. I think next week, I'll be feeling more energetic. I am going to bed earlier, between 9.30-10pm and I'm sleeping better.

The workouts are the hardest I've ever worked out. Our trainer is very nice, there's no yelling or military style about it - thankfully. She keeps us moving for the complete hour. My friend is wearing a pedometer and by 6.30am this morning, she had done 5,500 steps - today was 2 long walks for warm up/cool down and a one mile run/jog. Yesterday she did around 4,000 steps.

Thankfully no one in the group is an exercise fanatic - we're all good at some exercises and weaker at others, and everyone takes breaks when they need a rest. There's no pressure or competition, everyone works at their pace. It is a women only bootcamp.

We do short jogs, short walks, lots of leg exercises like lunges and squats, arm exercises with hand weights (5lbs!), push ups, jumping jacks, skipping rope etc. The hardest day was yesterday. She set up an obstacle course of running to a marker then either jumping jacks, lunges, bicep curls, skipping, push ups and step ups. I was tired after 1 circuit, we had to do 3!

My muscles are sore, but I'm eating bananas, using epsom salts in the bath and a heat pad if it feels too much.

The only downside is the cost. It's $15 a session, 5x a week for 4 weeks. So, it's $300 total. But so far, I do think we're getting our money's worth. And it is cheaper than other local bootcamps that charge the same for 3 sessions a week.

After 1 week, I'd say I'm even enjoying this a little - I feel pretty good at the end of each workout, like I accomplished something. The most difficult part is between 5.00-5.10am, the getting out of bed part. I'm even considering doing it again in May. I think 2 months solid will be a huge kick start for me. But I will enjoy sleeping in tomorrow..

04-04-2008, 09:46 PM
Nicci, how did you decide to try bootcamp and how did you find your specific program?

04-04-2008, 09:58 PM
A friend found the bootcamp. Her DC#2 is 7 months old and they're not having anymore kids, so she wants to lose the weight once and for all. I'm not sure how she came across it, but you could do a search in your area and see if anything is available. She saw me one day and pleaded with me to do it with her, my jeans have been getting tight and I knew I needed to get back into regular exercise, so I agreed, then I asked her the time and how many days! If she told me straight up, I probably would have said no. But I'm glad I'm doing it.