View Full Version : plastic bags leach nutrients from breast milk?

04-07-2008, 10:58 PM
I have heard that the plastic bags that women pump into can destroy some of the nutrients in the milk. Has anyone heard this? are there bags that are better? Other thoughts?


04-08-2008, 09:30 AM
I think I read somewhere that bags that are meant for BM storage are lined with nylon to keep stuff from sticking. Wheras regular freezer bags (which some people use because they are cheaper) are not. But I don't remember where I got that.

04-08-2008, 10:20 AM
From what the lactation consultants I work with have researched:
1- the bags specifically designed for breastmilk storage do not leech chemicals unless heated.

2 - some studies do show that some of the nutrients do cling to the sides of the bag, but they are safe to use.

3 - in the NICU we recommend freezing in safe plastic bottles, but that's not practical for home use

4 - NEVER heat/thaw breastmilk in the plastic bags under hot water or in a bottle warmer...use tap warm water only to prevent any possibility of leeching.

04-08-2008, 10:20 AM
My Mothers Milk Storage Bags had a note saying that storing bm in plastic bags is not recommended for premature babies. Here is the explanation:
"Any storage container changes the composition of the milk. Soft plastic bags decrease the secretory IgA by 60%. This is the factor that protects the baby against a bowel infection caused by a E-coli. Preemie babies are very susceptible to these infections. Hard plastic or glass bottles are the preferred storage containers for preemies. If the baby is older and receiving milk directly from the mother this is not as big a problem, as the baby is getting more of the IgA. If the choice milk for the baby is breastmilk in bags, or formula, breastmilk, even with some slight change is better than no breastmilk at all."

I pump very rarely so I wasn't concerned about it and didn't look into it any further.