View Full Version : Pelvic pain? TMI...possibly

04-18-2008, 10:10 PM
Ok, weird question.

Today, I'm working (RN in a busy NICU) and I was wearing my belly support since scrubs have NO support.

And around 9 this morning I start getting this constant pain in my left groin/pelvic area. It starts almost where my bladder is and goes down between my leg following the "panty line" on the left. It's constant pain and the only position that seems to help at all is sitting "indian style" (just without my feet crossed).

What could be causing this? Has anyone else had this problem? My only thought is that Parker is fully head down and putting pressure on ligaments/nerves/pelvic bones...

Anyone have any ideas?

04-19-2008, 12:08 AM
It sounds like your pelvis is loosing up for labor. A pretty common occurance triggered by pg hormones. These last few weeks will be full of strange pains and pressures. Be sure to take things a bit easier.

04-19-2008, 02:34 AM
I have no idea what the technical cause of it is, but I had that towards the end of both my pregnancies, especially once they got head down and started getting all situated. I didn't have it as bad with my second one, but I think it's only because I was wearing compression support hose all day long and they helped to alleviate some of the pressure. With the first one DH would often come home to find me sitting or laying in the oddest positions because I was trying to find a position that stopped the pain.

04-19-2008, 04:37 AM
just make sure it's not an inguinal hernia....most likely not, but that's where the pain would be...
my feelings are more of what you and others have already said- just a combo of things moving into position, and stretching out....
good luck!!!

04-19-2008, 07:58 AM
Could be your SI joint. I had that problem with DS1 - it got to the point where I couldn't even walk. I finally went to PT and the change was amazing. If you need to keep working, I would suggest a PT eval ASAP. I let mine go way too long because I had a desk job and my maternity leave started a month before my due date.

04-19-2008, 08:45 AM
Its a little better this morning. I'm going to try some gentle yoga and see if it helps. I can tell that when Parker moves to a slightly different location, the pain lessens so I'm thinking its just him being a "pain"...but I will definitely bring it up to my OB at our next appointment!

Thanks everyone!