View Full Version : How to target the hips??

05-19-2008, 08:30 AM
Ok, so I lost all the baby weight, but my clothes still don't fit! :( Attempted to try on a bunch of summer skirts for some grad parties this weekend and it was a mess.

From what I can tell, its the hip region. The stomach isn't too great either, but the real problem is I am wider then I was before.

Right now I do a cardio/strength training dvd two days a week and walk 3-4 times a week with the stroller (double jogging + kids = pretty good resistance, right?) Anyway, I walk for about 35 minutes and once preschool is over I will up it to 40 or 45. I also plan to add power yoga back one night a week and drop a dvd day, probably (That is the hardes to fit it!

What else can I do to target those hips? I look really out of proportion now, I have small shoulders, a small chest (Thanks pregnancies!) and then bam, big hips. I am eating healtily, but not dieting anymore b/c quite frankly, that would make me crazy.

I am bordering on a bit obsessive, so I have to be careful. Any feedback/suggestions would be appreciated!!


05-19-2008, 09:57 PM
Pickup the book, YOU on a Diet. You will learn a lot about nutrition and it gives you the tools you need to exercise as well.

05-20-2008, 09:32 PM
I've been doing Windsor Pilates dvd's, and I've had some better results than I thought. What I like about them is that they target specific areas in each 20 minute dvd (I got the whole bunch when I ordered the "magic circle"). So you can spend 20 minutes 2-3 days a week on your hips and thighs, back, upper body, abs, just based on what you want to work on. I like the ability to mix and match.
I also recently purchased a fitdisk (the little floppy disk filled with air) that I use for lunges (dear God, help me!), sit ups (oh, the agony!) and if I'm feeling particularly ambitious some push ups... While not specifically for the butt, thighs and hips, it has helped improve my core strength and my hamstrings.
Ps... I'm so not miss molly workout or anything... I still have quite a lot of weight to lose, but the Pilates has really helped me lengthen and tone under all the jiggle... I'm hoping that cardio will help take care of the rest. :D

05-21-2008, 08:15 AM
Well no matter what your weight, you may always be wider than before. Childbirth and pregnancy is not always a friend to the hips....

That being said, I would encourage you to keep a food diary for 3-4 days. You may be surprised at how much you are eating and the choices you are making. I know I always am. IME, I typically need to severely cut back on carbs and pretty much eliminate all empty carbs (white bread, store bought baked goods, etc.) in order to lose weight. My body just seems to cling to those foods and they go straight to my hips.

Another thought is to use a heart rate monitor. While you are exercising, you may not be exercising hard enough to get into your target range. Especially if you have been exercising for several weeks, the body tends to acclimate to whatever workout you are doing and the weight loss tends to level off. So changing up your workout can jump start your efforts.

05-21-2008, 11:00 PM
[QUOTE=egoldber]/Well no matter what your weight, you may always be wider than before. Childbirth and pregnancy is not always a friend to the hips....

That being said, I would encourage you to keep a food diary for 3-4 days. You may be surprised at how much you are eating and the choices you are making. I know I always am. IME, I typically need to severely cut back on carbs and pretty much eliminate all empty carbs (white bread, store bought baked goods, etc.) in order to lose weight. My body just seems to cling to those foods and they go straight to my hips.


Sigh. Me, too! Honestly, cutting all those carbs...its just not something I can do right now-makes me too cranky. ;) Focusing on exercise is best right now...i like this monitor idea-I was thinking about heart rate during my walk this morning! Where can I get one-someplace easy like Target, or do I have to go to a sports store? THANKS!

ETA: Hmmm. didn't do that quote right! Can't figure out how to fix it, tho!

05-22-2008, 07:19 AM
I have a very basic Polar heart rate monitor. There are other brands, but Polar is a top one. They have them at places like Target, but if you have a place like REI (or other large outdoor store) I'd go there. It'll be the same price and they have far better customer service.

05-22-2008, 09:54 PM
When you work out, you cannot really target the hips. You need to lose weight around the body and it will come off of the hips as well. Get active. Walking is a great exercise. You should do it for at least a 1/2 hour every day.

05-24-2008, 09:13 PM
When you work out, you cannot really target the hips. You need to lose weight around the body and it will come off of the hips as well. Get active. Walking is a great exercise. You should do it for at least a 1/2 hour every day.

Oh geez, don't say that! I cannot tolerate another diet.
Walking, that I can handle-I look forward to our morning walks every day! :)

Maybe after the move I could think about another round of south beach. But doesn't that sound bad for like 2-3 lbs? I really think I am at the toning, getting fit place, rather then the losing weight place.

I am also having a hard time accepting the changes my body went through with the 2nd pregnancy. ;) That is something I have to work on mentally. I was so happy with my body before (after DS), I really miss it! :frown:

05-25-2008, 09:15 AM
You can not spot reduce, unfortunately. And from what I've read (and experienced) your body tends to use the biggest deposit of energy, i.e. fat, last.

That said you can tone up problem areas by focusing on exercises that target hips (lunges, squats). I am not sure how much strengthening you do with your DVDs but your routine sounds as mostly a cardio routine. You could probably benefit from working out with free weights or weight machines. I know I looked much better when I did.

Last but not least, you should de-emphasize hips in your dressing. I am also heavier on the bottom than top so a triangel. I try to wear tops that are lighter colour than bottoms or that have interesting details/horizontal stripes to balance out my hips. You might find some interesting ideas at this site http://blog.wardrobe911.com/body_type_silhouette/index.html as well as What Not to Wear show.