View Full Version : Am I reading too much into this.

06-05-2008, 03:03 PM
DD and I had some time to kill the other day and walked into a local toystore. We were the only people in the store and the woman was being very friendly. I was looking at the HABA blocks with DD, and she was explaining how popular they were ect. I said, we have a set and I love them as does DD. The woman said "Oh, which one?" I replied "The Mosque, it is the only one you don't seem to have in stock right now." I heard no response and looked up, the woman was gone. There were no other customers in the store. It was weird. She did not speak to me again, or even say goodbye as we left. I decided not to buy anything.

Does this seem weird to you? I thought it was weird. It made me uncomfortable.

06-05-2008, 03:16 PM
Yeah, that is kind of odd. Apparently, you really threw her for a loop.

06-05-2008, 03:24 PM
It's hard to tell wo/being there. May have been something, maybe she got busy. Did she see you as you left? I know how you feel, though, it s@#ks to feel you've been discriminated against by store staff you don't even know.

06-05-2008, 03:28 PM
Seems a little strange to me, unless the store's phone rang and she ran to answer it, or someone else walked into the store, or something happened that would have required her attn immediately that you were somehow unaware of. But even then, you would have thought she'd have come back and said, "Sorry, the blah blah blah" and continued the conversation. If she *really* wanted to have your business, she could have offered to special order it or call another store or something. So yes, seems weird.

My best guess is that she has a problem with Muslim people, and must have assumed that because you had the mosque, you were Muslim and therefore she did not want to associate with you. Even in today's plural society, some people still have problems even being around others of a different race/ religion/ ethnicity etc. It is sad, but true. My sister is white and comes from a Jewish/ Catholic mixed marriage (we both do). She is also married to a Turkish guy who is Muslim. Some people do give her a second look as to *how* she could be married to someone who is Muslim. She is less noticed than a darker skinned woman wearing hijab, so it is rare. It more comes out in converstion. But I know that she often does not share this info freely with someone until she knows them better.

06-05-2008, 03:40 PM
Pretty odd, yep. Makes you wonder if it were something about the Mosque, but (as pp's have said) maybe not. Store owners/operators might have other things going on that call for their attention.

06-05-2008, 04:04 PM
That is kind of bizzarre.