View Full Version : Installing Graco SafeSeat

06-13-2008, 08:58 PM
DH and I have 2 safe seats... and though we followed instructions on installation NEITHER are snug in the car. DH's is attached via a lapbelt, and it's tightened as tight as it gets... mine is done w/ the tethers, also as tight as we can possibly pull them and BOTH wiggle... this can't be right... can it?

06-13-2008, 09:12 PM
Are you using the base? If so are you checking the BACK of the seat which should be really solid -- the front of the seat does wiggle.

06-13-2008, 11:28 PM
First, as the PP stated, where are you checking your install? You should be checking at the belt path only. Some also suggest that you use only your non-dominate hand to tug on the seat (or base) at the belt path. The seat or base should move less than 1" at the belt path, it can (and usually will with an untethered RF seat) move more than that further away from the belt path. An untethered RF seat may also rotate along the belt toward the vehicle seat. All of this movement is perfectly safe as long as the seat moves less than 1" at the belt path.

If your seats or bases are still moving more than 1" at the belt path, what vehicles and which seating positions are they installing in?

06-14-2008, 12:43 PM
Thank you so much! it's the fronts that wiggle... the backs not much at all. The directions I got with the seats were all pictures... so not very helpful. Sounds like we did install correctly after all!!! Thanks so much!