View Full Version : Annapolis and D.C. over the 4th!

06-26-2008, 02:57 PM
I'm so excited :boogie: to be taking our dd to Annapolis next week before our visit to MIL's house in Silver Spring (not so excited 'bout that, but oh well...lol).
The only thing is that I'm having these irrational waves of fear about letting her walk about the waterfront (what is it, a dock?). I'm afraid she'll fall in or something. Silly, but true. Anyhow, I've never been to Annapolis, so I'm not sure what to expect. I haven't found a ton online about what might be toddler friendly there either. If you have suggestions or tips, that would be wonderful! TIA!

06-26-2008, 04:47 PM
Don't worry about the docks - the tourist waterfront in Annapolis is a big, wide square of brick and block with a short rise near the water. Lots of kids play there (under supervision).

At this time of year, frankly, she'll have a hard time stepping off of *anything* without hitting the deck of a sail or motor boat.

Run her around the grounds of St. John's College or the Naval Academy for safe fun downtown. Check out the local elementary schools for playgrounds.

PM me if you want to talk more.