View Full Version : Lead Frog learning system

07-17-2008, 04:08 PM
Anyone have the littletouch learning system or the littleleaps system & software? I am thinking of getting one of them for my 1 yr old. Any suggestions or tips on them?

07-17-2008, 04:33 PM
I'm not sure which product you are referring to. We have the LittleTouch leap pad:

It was a hand-me-down for us. I probably would not pay for it, though. The biggest problem, I have found, is that by the time they can follow the directions and really know how to do it, they are old enough for a regular leappad. It is very much a parent-led toy until about age 3-3.5. It is not something that will self entertain a 1 yo at all. We tried it in the car and it was a huge flop. They can't work it, get the pages wrong, pull out the cartridge, etc.

07-17-2008, 09:03 PM
Mine was a gift that I would never have asked for or bought myself. It has mostly been a flop. DD loves many of her toys but not this one.

07-18-2008, 04:28 PM
My brother has it for his daughter. She is 1. It's a waste in his experience. Luckily, it was only $5 for it and a bunch of books at a rummage sale. We have the regular leap frog and our son uses it only occasionally.