View Full Version : Book suggestions for household organization/decluttering?

08-25-2008, 05:22 PM
Anyone have a book on this subject that they would recommend? I was at a Southern Living party yesterday and saw that they had one. But then I thought that it probably just recommends their containers. I'd love a book with easy and practical suggestions. TIA!

08-25-2008, 07:09 PM
A friend is in the midst of redoing her life before baby #2 comes. She's using Sidetracked Home Executive (SHE) from FLYLady.

I've read the Morganstern book and found it helpful. Then again, I'm not there yet. Maybe someone else will tell of a book that just changed their habits completely. I think that's the root of it...habits... at least what I gather from FLYLady.

08-25-2008, 07:48 PM
Sink Reflections by Flylady - it completely changed my outlook on stuff - getting organized was easy after that!

08-25-2008, 08:06 PM
I really liked One Year to an Organized Life.

08-25-2008, 10:10 PM
I posted this summer about how to help my packrat parents let go of 40 years of stuff as they downsize their house. Several people recommended "It's All Too Much" by Peter something... Walsh, maybe. On other occasions, I've seen the boards recommend "Sink Reflections" by the flylady person, "Organizing from the Inside Out" by someone Morganstern.

I personally liked "Scaling Down: Living Large in a Smaller Space." It focusses on how to get rid of stuff, not really how to organize your current life, and it assumes you have a project in mind, like cleaning out the garage to make it a home office or, the most common assumption, that you are moving from a larger home to a smaller one. So it was ideal for my purposes.

I also read "Messie No More" and do not recommend it unless you 1) feel like your degree of disorder is pathological and may have deep-seeded psychological roots, 2) respond well to a 12 step approach to problems, and/or 3) if you are very religious and would find meaning in occasional references to God throughout the book. On the up side, the author of this series also has a book about Clean Mom, Messie Kids and When You Live With a Messie (or Are Married To a Messie, something like that). Both sound like they could be helpful to some families, although I presume they will share some of the style elements that I mentioned above.

Tondi G
08-25-2008, 10:31 PM
I bought this book for my mom who is a clutterbug after a bunch of women on another board I frequent were raving about it! She said it is a great book and helped her motivate to get rid of things! It is not totally about about Feng Shui.


HTH's you!


Twin Mom
08-25-2008, 11:18 PM
I found Peter Walsh's book It's All Too Much to be helpful. I still have a long way to go but it was definitely a good start.