View Full Version : Sometimes it sucks to have a tall toddler. :(

09-01-2008, 12:29 AM
DD is tall. Always has been. Most of the time, I just get the comments, "gee, your DD is tall!" etc. No problem. Occasionally, when we go to play areas, I get dirty looks from other parents that are clearly saying "how could you bring your OLDER child in here with our tiny little infants" - even though DD is usually the same age, or even younger! Because DD is tall, and people usually think she is a year to two years older than she really is, people tend to treat her like they would an older child.

Today something happened that really bothered me. We were at a children's creativity 'museum' - basically a hands on display of sound, music, art, theater, etc. DD was absolutely loving the theater display, which was a small stage with a dressing area, lots of dress-up costumes, and some small props. On the stage, they had these big foam cubes (maybe 2 foot square each) that had fabric coverings which were painted on each side to make up a set background. DD and a handful of other kids about her age, were stacking the cubes, carrying them around, making piles etc. Some older kids came along, and wanted to make one of the background pictures. DD didn't understand what they were doing, and just continue to get in on the action by carrying around and stacking the cubes. There were still a few of the younger kids doing the same thing. At one point, some older woman (I am guessing she was a grandparent) came along and actually grabbed DD under the arms and took her off the stage! I was *livid* but couldn't deal with the situation because DD immediately burst into tears and was inconsolable for a good 10 minutes after that. I had to take her out of the theater area and go to a completely different area to calm her down. After we left, we found some other stuff to do, and to be quite honest, I forgot about the theater incident. It was when I got home and was reviewing the day that I remembered the incident. Now I am really fuming about it. How dare she handle my child like that?? What kind of a person does that to someone else's child? I would never dream of grabbing some other child like that - unless there was some danger. There was NO danger here. The environment was one of free play and creativity. DD was having the best time until that woman grabbed her. GRR. I am just so mad!!! I am guessing that this woman figured DD was maybe 5 or 6 and should "know better" than to mess up the display the older kids were trying to make. I still don't think that gives her the right to handle DD like that. Poor DD. I felt so bad for her - she was having such a good time there until that happened. Crusty old woman! Keep your hands off my DD!!

Taking a deep breath... and trying to forget about it and chalk it up to someone who just overstepped their bounds. Why do people do these things?!

Thanks for listening! I just had to get that out!!

09-01-2008, 01:29 AM
I hear ya. I had people say a lot of bizarre things including asking me why my son didn't talk. He was barely ONE. They thought he was well past two, due to size.

09-01-2008, 01:55 AM
I'm sorry, that stinks, I don't know whyy people think they can touch other people's kids. :(

My DS is the same way, he's now over 4.5 years, but I get asked if he's 6. It was hard when he was 2, because he looked 3, but wasn't talking really yet.

I'm hoping DD will be an early talker, since I think she'll be another tall one.

09-01-2008, 08:30 AM
She should never have touched your DD unless she was in imminent danger like the PPs said.

But I totally hear you on the big DC. DS is, and has always been, tall for his age. When he was almost three, someone asked if he was four or five! And he's speech delayed and many people have wondered why he doesn't talk more.

We're just running into other kids on the playground thinking he's older and asking him to play with them doing things they can do (climbing bigger structures) that he can't do! I knew it was going to become a problem when he still wasn't talking so much...

Yeah, the first thing everyone always asks is, "Is his Dad really tall?" Um, not so much!

09-01-2008, 08:40 AM
I am such a Mother bear when it comes to DS. I was really tall too, and that may cause me to step in faster. DS was above average for a 3yo height and weight at his 2yo check up, unfortunately even sometimes the playgroup parents think he is older (new ones or people with older kids forget).

I"m sorry you had to deal with stupid people. I do not think there is ever a reason for someone else to touch your child unless there is an emergency!!! I think some people don't think about anything unless it affects them.