View Full Version : And this is why I will be moving to a desert island

09-07-2008, 06:16 PM
and just living with animals.

In line at Target this afternoon.
A woman and her three kids in front of me.
Baby starts to cough and spit up.
Mom picks her up, pounds her on the back and watches her spit up several times on the floor.
Mom continues on in line while daughters in *flip flops* wade through spit up spreading all along the floor.
Mom pays for her things & leaves without a word to anyone.

Did I miss an opportunity to yell "VAGINA" at someone?

09-07-2008, 06:32 PM
Are you serious? If that happened to me and my kid I would be mortified and extremely apologetic. I would then let an employee know and try to clean up some of it myself with any tissues or wipes I might happen to have. The fact that she didn't tell anyone and then did nothing to stop her other kids from walking right through it, making an even bigger mess, just blows my mind. Some people just don't get it. No concept of general courteousness. Booooo!!

09-07-2008, 06:38 PM
i think **I** just spit up!!! ewww!!! how NOT courteous!

i have stood on top of a spit up puddle until a salesperson came by so i could ask for paper towels to clean it up before someone slipped and fell on it! and i have used my own burp cloths from the diaper bag to clean it up. (i had two spitters, can you tell???)

that is just nasty. how rude.

09-08-2008, 12:55 AM
Can you imagine what her house looks like inside? Or maybe she actually does clean up spit up her own house. insert eye roll. yuck.

09-08-2008, 02:00 AM
Ewwww! I think I know her! I have a friend who came and stayed four VERY LONG days at my house with her screaming refluxy monsterbaby. He'd urp up onto the carpet and she'd step on it and make a joke about how socks were as good as a mop (insert gagging smiley). He threw up on my couch so many times I lost count. She'd swipe it with a burp cloth. Thank God for my Bissel little steam machine. After they left I cleaned for DAYS.

I've had DD projectile vomit on me while waiting for an elevator in a hotel lobby. It was one of those where you KNOW it is going to keep going and going, and I debated standing in the puddle or trying to get her out the door, and decided to spare everyone the trail and stayed put. My mom got the desk to call for clean up and a very nice older man (a stranger staying at the hotel) put us on the next elevator and promised to not let anyone step in 'it'. But I sure as heck wouldn't have casually walked away! Filthy!

How freakin obnoxious can you get??? I think it bad manners not to pick up when your kids throw snacks on the floor, much less bodily fluids!

09-08-2008, 03:03 AM
Well, I guess it's just lucky the baby didn't have a leaky poo diaper.

That is disgusting and rude, but unfortunately not surprising. Well, somewhat surprising in that I think most people who would leave a nasty mess in public will only do it when no one is looking (public restroom, anyone?). She was pretty bold to do it where everyone could see.

09-08-2008, 03:59 AM
I think I would have yelled "Cleanup on checkout 3!!!!" Gross!

09-08-2008, 06:19 AM
When my DS was about 4 months old and I was carrying him in a sling kangaroo style he spit up all over the floor of the Getty museum. I've never been so mortified in my life and there were witnesses!! The security guard told me not to worry about it but I immediately pulled wipes from my bag and cleaned it up.

That women in Target was RUDE! But sadly, I am not surprised. :(

09-08-2008, 07:20 AM
That's so gross! My best friend was over with her 6 month old son and she could tell he was about to throw up. She calmly lifted him to her chest so it would end up on her shirt rather than my carpet! I loaned her a t-shirt and marveled at her strength!!

09-08-2008, 09:30 AM
lol I had DD facing out in her bjorn at a store in Chicago a couple weeks ago and a teenage guy gags and says ma'am your baby is throwing up-it was totally a huge puddle! He handed me a huge wad of napkins to clean it up-and vanished! It hadn't hit my foot yet so I hadn't noticed! I felt so bad for him

09-08-2008, 02:16 PM
OMG. That is gross. I am pretty sure it is the same family whose daughter peed on the floor at the Crayola factory and then just picked her up and took her away without cleaning up the pee on the floor. I was horrified.

09-08-2008, 05:33 PM
Oh man. And here I thought this *had* to be an isolated incident. Aaaack!

I think anyone with kids knows that baby + public place = at least one horrifying bodily fluid incident. Which is why I waited and waited for her to say something. I didn't want to jump all over her if she was just waiting to get up to the register to tell the cashier or something.

Now that I'm thinking about it (and maybe this is my imagination at work), I'm pretty sure she took the infant out of the car seat because she KNEW she was about to spit up and didn't want to get the car seat dirty. A poopy diaper?!?! Peeing in the crayon place?!?!? Maybe I got off lucky.

Her 2 girls gliding through it in flip flops like Disney on Ice was maybe the worst part because she didn't say anything even TO THEM. So I'm pretty sure you'd have to wear a hazmat suit to her house.

And I'm with ya MamaMolly - I try to clean up after my kids in restaurants or anywhere else a goldfish cracker has been dropped out of courtesy to the people that work there as well as the next customer.