View Full Version : Dealing with "diaper removal"

09-14-2008, 07:06 PM
DD has a little routine at nap and bedtime. I put her down, she gets mad, throws her blanket and babydolls out of the crib. I give her a few minutes, go in, throw them all back in w/o a word or looking at her. Sometimes that's it, sometimes she does it two or three more times.

One day last week she decided to also take off her jeans and diaper and throw those out as well. NICE! It only happened once, so I didn't make a big thing of it.

Today she threw her stuff out, but then calmed down right away so I didn't bother going back in. About 15 minutes later she started fussing, so I thought she might have realized she didn't have her paci. Oh no...when I went in I found her diaper in the pile with all of her dolls, and a lovely present in the crib for me! She was very helpful, though, "Mommy...pyooop...yucky." Thanks, DD!

Any tips for dealing with this behavior? She did have a dress on, but she can obviously take off pants, so I don't think the clothes will matter. I guess I could put her in a onesie of some sort so it's snapped?



09-14-2008, 07:43 PM
Diaper on backwards
Tape over the diaper tabs
Sleeper without feet put on backwards - I just cut the feet over footed sleepers as I couldn't find ones without feet

09-14-2008, 07:46 PM
I have many friends that used duct tape over the tabs.

09-14-2008, 09:03 PM
A sleepsack is a little bit of deterrent. Not a total cure, but it stopped it some of the time.

Ok, looking at your DD's age and trying to remember back to my vacation 6 mos ago...that's when my DD was taking her diaper off (smearing the contents) at my mom's house (borrowed PnP :)) and started officially PTing. We told her she was welcome to use the potty during the day, but when she was sleeping, she had to wear a diaper.

Did you ask about PTing recently - or am I thinking of someone else?

09-14-2008, 09:42 PM
After DS (age 30 months) decided the crib made a great toilet (taking off diaper and pooping and peeing in crib during nap)...I got some great advice from mama's here...sleepsack on backwards (he was already able to get the sleepsack undone the regular way)...and it is awesome...because of the configuration of the zipper it's pretty hard or nearly impossible for them to undo the zipper.