View Full Version : Funky Weird Stuff: Spells & Wizardry

10-15-2008, 12:42 PM
A good 10 years ago, now, I had a Spell a Day calendar. There was a magic spell for each day, by Llewellans. I probably spelled that wrong. I loved it. I tried to get one the following year but I haven't been able to find one since. I never actually tried any of the spells, all of which were healing and positive, nothing evil or proactively untoward. I don't want to offend anyone who practices the Wiccan religion, so if any of this strays into the area of doubting the validity of a Wiccan tradition or practice, I very much apologize, as it's not my intent (feel free to PM me, and I'll fix any offending lines/options).

So, the question is, do you believe in spells and wizardry. That creating a potion, saying a spell, etc., can directly result in a specific outcome due to that "magical," or "other-worldly" or otherwise "paranormal" spell or bit of wizardry?

10-15-2008, 07:28 PM
And by the way, if anyone out there has a spell for ass narrowfication, I'm, uh, willing to try.

10-15-2008, 07:32 PM
And by the way, if anyone out there has a spell for ass narrowfication, I'm, uh, willing to try.

LOL. Hillary, my husband often says he has a cure for ass-narrowfication when I start whining. I bet your husband has the same cure. ;) (edited to clarify he means "working it off" for any sick-minded or confused individuals)

As for spells, I totally don't believe, but am intrigued that so many others have voted that they do believe. I'd love a story about a spell. anyone?

10-15-2008, 07:39 PM
I'm a believer, but I haven't a single story. Just taking it on faith, tho usually, I like having some sort of evidency type of stuff. Anyone with a story, share!

10-15-2008, 10:08 PM
I don't believe in spells and wizardry, at least, not the Harry Potter kind. I'm a pagan and don't practice any spellwork, but from what I've heard from those that do, spells don't really work that way. When they cast a spell, it's more to get their intention out there, to attract positive energy, to formally 'announce' what they want to work toward. I don't know any pagans who think that if they cast a spell, it will magically happen.

It's more along the lines of the Law of Attraction, I think. Which I sort of believe in, but not really the version that's floating around lately.

10-15-2008, 10:13 PM
I'm also a pagan mommy. I agree with the PP. I look at spells more as prayer with action. You must have intent in order for a spell to work. You are helping to sync your logical mind, emotional mind, and the universe at large to achieve an outcome. Think of it as a self-fulfilling prophesy "if you build it, they will come"

Some people's minds are better at this than others. It can be learned, to a degree, but some people have a natural affinity. But the spells in books, Harry Potter, etc are just cute rhymes!

10-16-2008, 12:36 AM
I love these last two posts, thank you! I think when I say I believe, I believe in the spirit (no pun intended) in which you were speaking. Harry Potter magic ... I want to believe :-)

10-16-2008, 04:35 AM
I love these last two posts, thank you! I think when I say I believe, I believe in the spirit (no pun intended) in which you were speaking. Harry Potter magic ... I want to believe :-)

I wish I Harry Potter magic existed! I would love to clean house with just a simple spell, or swish of a wand! And don't get me started on uses for a broom!