View Full Version : For those of you who delayed vaccinations....

10-20-2008, 06:57 AM
when did you choose to administer, if at all, the MMR and varicella vacs? DS is almost 16 months. Although I am pro vaccinations, and DD received all shots according to the AAP charts, we are delaying MMR and varicella vacs for DS (for a lot of reason too long to list here).

He is not in daycare and at home with me but DD does go to pre-school for a couple of days a week. Not sure if I should do MMR this time or varicella this time? Any suggestions.

One of the reasons I did delay is because I wanted to give us more time to "get to know" DS and be able to better recognize any possible adverse behavioral reactions to any vaccinations. I do feel that the past few months , we have been able to accomplish this. Now I just wonder which might be more of an immediate need? MMR or varicella...


10-20-2008, 07:11 AM
We are homeschooling, and don't do day care (or MDO), so that factors into our decision. We aren't doing any shots until after 2 years old, when the brain is close to 90% developed. Just our personal stance. If some kind of reaction happens, it isn't going to be as devastating as it would be before then. So, we're going to be starting a delayed/selective schedule soon.

10-20-2008, 08:52 AM
We will postpone the chicken pox vax until age 9 or 10, most likely. They are gradually getting the MMR, but in separate shots. I started those at age 2.

10-20-2008, 08:59 AM
I waited until after 2 years with John and with the new babe, I am considering waiting until >4 for MMR. The reason I might wait until >4 is because then the child only needs one dose of the vax, and that may be nicer. That said, I am not sure I will do the booster MMR for John or Alek, we will probably check titers first.

Alek was vaxed on schedule. I discontinued vax for John at 12 months (I think, it's hard to remember), and we just did MMR at >2 years (before I read about the over age 4 thing). We had a measles outbreak here and John was not vaxed the whole time. However I decided I'd rather have him vaxed than deal with the home care and stigma of having a child contract measles. So we opted for vax. vs. natural immunity. I think outbreaks are rare and exposure is rare, but the possibility exists.

Chicken pox we may want to see if they get it naturally or vax later. I find myself going to the vax books for every single vax and I have not looked at varicella lately. I don't consider it a huge priority for us right now.

10-20-2008, 09:42 AM
I waited until after 2 years with John and with the new babe, I am considering waiting until >4 for MMR. The reason I might wait until >4 is because then the child only needs one dose of the vax, and that may be nicer. That said, I am not sure I will do the booster MMR for John or Alek, we will probably check titers first.

Is this a state specific requirement?

CDC says two doses, no matter what the age form what I can find.

10-20-2008, 10:20 AM
Is this a state specific requirement?

CDC says two doses, no matter what the age form what I can find.

CDC provides guidelines that some states follow and some deviate from slightly. So what is required by stated and what is recommended by the CDC are often two different things. But I think (not sure where Karen is) that 1 dose of MMR if after age 4 is state specific for her. I'm in PA and I'm pretty sure 2 doses are required regardless of age. I wish that only one dose was required if received after age 4 :(

10-20-2008, 10:25 AM
CDC provides guidelines that some states follow and some deviate from slightly. So what is required by stated and what is recommended by the CDC are often two different things. But I think (not sure where Karen is) that 1 dose of MMR if after age 4 is state specific for her. I'm in PA and I'm pretty sure 2 doses are required regardless of age. I wish that only one dose was required if received after age 4 :(

Here too. I was not aware of any states that only required one based on age, which is why I asked. I think I would still do titers, even if that were the case, because many colleges/employers/etc. will require two doses later if there isn't documentation.

10-20-2008, 11:07 AM
I did selective vax until for the first year: Hib, Prevnar, and DTaP, which are what my ped and I agreed was most life-threatening for babies under a year. Then at a 1 year old I did MMR. I don't plan to do varicella anytime soon. I'd like to wait until she is 2 for any more vaxs. think the only thing that would change that is if she ended up going to daycare before 2, but I doubt that will happen. DD is 16 mos.

10-20-2008, 11:59 AM
CDC provides guidelines that some states follow and some deviate from slightly. So what is required by stated and what is recommended by the CDC are often two different things. But I think (not sure where Karen is) that 1 dose of MMR if after age 4 is state specific for her. I'm in PA and I'm pretty sure 2 doses are required regardless of age. I wish that only one dose was required if received after age 4 :(

My state has easy exemptions/waviers, so I can do pretty much anything. I read in Sears' book in the guidelines for selective/delayed about waitng until 4 for 1 dose, I'll try yo find a page# later

10-20-2008, 01:17 PM
I would not give them withing 6 months of one another.