View Full Version : Would you call the doctor???

10-22-2008, 10:11 PM
My 4.5 month old baby wasn't much of a crier...until yesterday. Up until then, she has always stopped crying if I am holding her or if I BF her. Yesterday she started crying- a horrible inconsolable everything she has in her screaming cry- at 5:30pm and didn't stop until she was exhausted and just fell asleep at 9pm. I was bawling too by the end of it.

She didn't sleep well...was up at 10 for 15 minutes, and at 11:30 for 15 min, and at midnight for 15, then at 2 she woke up and would fall asleep in my arms, but when I tried to put her in her crib she would wake and cry again...and that lasted until 4. At 4 I finally got her in her crib and and she slept for 3 hours. BUT there wasn't the awful crying when she woke, just the normal sleepy baby wanting to nurse.

This morning she seemed fine. So I thought it was just one of those things, and it was over. And then tonight she did it again. The same heart breaking awful cry. It sounds like she is in pain, but I can't find anything wrong. I tried the BF, I tried a bottle, I burped her, I checked her little fingers and toes for a string, I walked her- and my husband tried too. Nothing helped. She doesn't have a fever, and I suppose teething would be a possibility, but I don't see anything in her mouth when I look...

She's been having these frequent night wakings for about a week now, but this inconsolable crying has just been the past 2 nights.

Basic info, she's never slept through the night really, has always gotten up 1 or 2 times. I do usually put her to bed awake, but sleepy and haven't had many problems with that. She is breastfed, but I don't have the best supply so I do supplement with formula. She hasn't had anything different to eat, just my milk and the same formula and I haven't changed my diet any.

I really don't know what to think. Anyone have any ideas of what it could be ? Would you call the doctor if it were your baby? It is breaking my heart...and well, I'm exhausted. I'm getting so little sleep.

Thanks for any insight you may have.

10-22-2008, 10:12 PM
Could it be colic? That was my first thought. Or maybe reflux? In any case, yes, I would call the doctor, just to rule out any sort of medical problem. It definitely can't hurt, right?

Good luck, and hang in there!

10-22-2008, 10:19 PM
I was thinking maybe teeth? Or have you tried any new foods that she might be reacting to through your milk?

10-22-2008, 10:23 PM
My DS2 usually needs a dose of gripe water in these cases. He's also 4.5 months old. He's also been uncomfortable the last two days, waking up a lot. I think it's a growth spurt and the tummy can't keep up.

He's never slept on his belly before, never had any issues with that. Starting yesterday, if I put him on his back, he starts flexing his legs up and wailing. If I put him on his side, he flexes the legs up to his belly until he's laying on his belly. Only then does he fall asleep. It's been going on for 2 days now. Freaking me out, but he just WILL NOT sleep any other way. Makes me think his tummy is bothering him.

10-22-2008, 10:27 PM
Call the doctor. It's what they're there for! Plus it will help calm your worries. Also if you have insurance and your provider has it call the nurse line! I have united healthcare and they have a 24 hour nurse line to call which is nice. Even nicer the hospital we delivered at also has a 24 hour line to the nursery and you can always talk to a nurse.

10-22-2008, 11:08 PM
Thanks everyone. I will call the doc in the morning. For some reason I don't want to "bother" them. But like y'all said, that's what they are there for.

10-23-2008, 09:11 AM
I'd call and bring her in. What if it's something like an ear infection or a UTI? You wouldn't want her to be in pain.

10-23-2008, 01:52 PM
I think I gave our peds a lot of laughs for running in for every little thing - but I don't care. What's the point of being a first-time parent if you can't get away with things like that is my opinion :)

10-23-2008, 02:28 PM
Sounds like ear infection territory to me. My DS would only cry at night, because the pressure on his eardrums from lying down was too much to handle. Definitely get it checked out. Good luck!