View Full Version : How to keep toddler warm without explosure to flame retardant

10-23-2008, 10:45 AM
DD(2.5 yrs old) always kick the blanket out at night. I still use the crib blanket on her because I am not sure whether the comfortble/twin size blankets may suffocate her. The concern on SIDS is only the first year, so the big blankets should be ok now, right?

It is getting cold here in NYC? The footless sleepwear seems like a good idea. But I hope to find other options that do not have flame retardant or nasty chemical in them. Any thoughts? TIA!

10-23-2008, 12:53 PM
I do layers of pjs. I buy 100% cotton 2 piece pjs from TCP, Gap, Old Navy or Target then I put other PJs over top (like flannel or LL Bean fleece- I'm not sure if that is treated ot not).
