View Full Version : "Redirecting" not working?

11-06-2008, 08:27 PM
When DS was small, we would tell him "We don't do that", he would agree, we would redirect and it would be done. He didn't do it. We never had to put latches on cabinets or anything like that, though we expected to. He was very well mannered and listened well. (Don't worry, he never slept and was a terrible eater to make up for it.)

Enter DD. I say "We don't do that." She looks at me, and if she had words, she would be saying "Maybe YOU don't, but I DO!" Like yesterday. Our outlets are protected and safe, but I still want her to learn not to stick her little fingers in the holes, even if she can't get hurt here at home. One hundred and thirty seven times she went over there and tried to stick her fingers in yesterday.

Girlfriend has some perseverance! And some control issues, I realize. But even at less than thirty seconds every time I go find her something else to do but that, I spent more than an hour of my day yesterday moving her away from the stupid outlet. Redirecting is obviously not getting through to her. But at 13 months, I'm just not sure what else to do with her.

Anyone have any ideas what to do with this stubborn little monkey? Maybe I'll just make a recording to play all day like they do at the airport. "The outlets are a no-touching zone. Please keep all fingers to yoursef and move away from the outlet. Thank you."

11-06-2008, 10:45 PM
If it makes you feel better, my sweet DD hits me when I try to redirect her. So, no help here, but I feel your pain!

11-06-2008, 10:58 PM
Redirecting is obviously not getting through to her. But at 13 months, I'm just not sure what else to do with her.

I think this is key. She is 13 months. Keep it simple and straightforward.

:nono: "NO! That's not safe!" and move her to something else.

Some links that might help...
9 Developmental Reasons why Toddlers can Be Difficult to Discipline...
8 Tools for Toddler Discipline...

Where is the little fingers in the electrical outlet icon when you need it?!?!

11-07-2008, 12:22 AM
My view of Redirecting is that rather than saying No, find a way to make it a Yes. Oh, you feel like sticking your fingers in something? Come over here and stick your fingers in this toy instead!" Can you find any toy or household item that will feel similar that is safe? If not, maybe try to find some kind of activity, such as picking up cheerios with tweezers, which will be a fun exercise for her little fingers.


ellies mom
11-07-2008, 02:23 AM
Her perserverence will be a great trait when she is older. Sometimes it helps a little to make that your mantra.

And now you know why I don't say "we don't do that" because clearly she does. Hang in there.

11-07-2008, 08:14 AM
Arwyn is a little like this. We have just learned to keep some things physically inaccessible. Like putting on these outlet covers that are so tight I almost ripped a finger the other day getting one out:p Also, the "ah ah ah! Don't touch X" sometimes works. Or just physically removing her or the offending item. Which results in howls of outrage, but what're you gonna do?

11-07-2008, 09:32 AM
My DS #2 is a month ahead of you and all we can do is say no and move him. I think you hit the jackpot with DD b/c DS #1 was like that too. Not a real clear understanding of "No" I think it is age appropriate.