View Full Version : Stroller for newborn and 3 yo?

11-08-2008, 01:30 AM
I'm looking for a new stroller to add to the fleet, that will work for botha newborn and 3 year old at the same time.

If going with side by side, I think the BJCMD is a good option, but I'm worried about using it at the mall, getting through packed stores and around racks, etc.

Right now I have a Zippy that I like to use for the mall. I'm considering a Bugaboo or Uppa Baby with a toddler board, but scared that DS will just constantly be hopping on and off and it will take forever to get from point A to point B, so I think I want something with an actual seat, but narrow - so not a side by side.

Any thoughts?


11-08-2008, 07:43 AM
I have both the BJCED and a Bugaboo with a toddler board. Love them both. Basically, I find that going to the mall with both DC just isn't practical, easy to time between the hundred x/day feedings or enjoyable.

I think you'd love the strollers you mentioned, but you might also like 1) shopping online a lot more 2) trading babysitting with a friend and only taking one DC with you or my favorite for quick trips to grab something I've already researched online, the baby in the Ergo, toddler in the Maclaren. You could do the same with your Zippy. I even switch off if the toddler can handle walking, and I put the baby in the stroller until the toddler needs straps. It has a step on the back, right? I know many people use that on the P3.

Do you feel like your 3 yo will still want/need to be strapped in in a year?

11-08-2008, 01:23 PM
I like my P&T Sport. It works well for our 2 (ages 3.5 and just over 1). I like it b/c it can be used for just one or for 2. There are some things I don't love -- sun shade isn't great would be my biggest issue.

11-08-2008, 02:47 PM
UPPABaby will be selling a rumble seat (toddler seat that attaches sort of like the in-line Phil & Teds) for the new Vista. I believe it will be available in march.
That is the main reason I bought the 2009 Vista instead of the Bugaboo Cameleon. So far I'm loving my Vista, it's very easy to maneuver in store aisles. Of course it's wider than a Zippy or a Maclaren, but I also needed something for outdoor walks, and this hybrid stroller has been great for me.

11-24-2008, 04:21 PM
I am in the same boat - expecting baby in Spring when DD will be 3 & 1/2.

She still loves riding in the stroler when we are out & she gets tired. I love being able to plop her in the stroller to move fast if I am in a hurry too.

I originally was looking at a Sit & Stand but DH hates BF's.

I unfortunately refuse to spend a small fortune on this stroller - already have bougth a Graco travel system & my current beloved Chicco stroller.

I am now trying to figure out which double umbrella stroller I can get to accomodate my Graco SnugRide - I want something small & lightweight - I am so spoiled by the Chicco I have used for the last 2 years that I really just want a double version of it but it woun't hold the infant seat too.