View Full Version : Need help transitioning 5 month old out of the swaddle and getting him back to sleep

11-21-2008, 02:52 PM
DS will be 5 months old in abt 10 days. We have always swaddled him for all naps/nighttime else he keeps jerking his arms/legs or rollsover (but he hates being on his tummy and has not yet mastered rolling back onto his back). But the thing is he hates being swaddled. I have been trying to get him to sleep at night without rocking/pacifier. He fusses for about 20-30mins and finally falls asleep 70% of time. The rest of the time the fussing escalates to crying and I have to go back to rocking/pacifier. And most of the fussing is actually because he is swaddled and wants to free his arms. Until very recently we used to rock him to sleep and only then swaddle since he hated it so much. But now since I am trying to sleep train I don’t want to disturb him once he goes to sleep so am swaddling him and then putting him in his crib to fall asleep. Since he hates the swaddle so much, I am seriously thinking about stopping it, but the couple of times I tried he just kept rolling over and crying because he couldn’t roll back and constantly kept moving his arms. I am wondering if anyone has been in a similar situation and how you transitioned out of the swaddle.

My other question is I am having some success getting him to sleep by himself at night but when he wakes up he still cries and seems to need to be soothed back to sleep (pacifier) and as everybody knows everytime he wakes up after that and the pacifier is not in his mouth, he starts crying for it. I would really appreciate any suggestions/advice on how to help him go back to sleep on his own without the pacifier (he does seem to be waking up less often if he goes to sleep on his own compared to if he falls asleep while rocking/sucking the pacifier).

Thanks much