View Full Version : Disney Fairy books?

11-26-2008, 05:35 PM
There's a series of chapter books I saw in Target the other day that seem to be in the world of the Neverland Fairies (I guess there's a new movie out about them too?) Are these books any good? Specifically I was looking at "Fairy Dust and the Quest for the Egg", wondering if that would be a good read-aloud chapter book for DD (4 years old).

Sarah :)

11-26-2008, 09:02 PM
Hmmm...I haven't read them, but my 2 older daughters have at ages 8-10. If your daughter has the attention span, I'd give it a try. My 3 yo LOVES the new dvd.

11-26-2008, 10:51 PM
Those 2 are quite long and more detailed than the shorter chapter books. DD likes all of them, but the 2 you are looking at were fabulous. We read them in a really short period of time, they were can't put down books for us, I enjoyed them too. I highly recommend them. My DD was 5 and can listen to books all day long so if your 4 yo likes to listen to stories I'd say great, otherwise wait a while though as they are longer. We checked them out from the library.

11-30-2008, 05:11 PM
Thanks! Yeah, DD loves to listen to stories, and I think might have the attention span already. So if they're OK for a 5 year old as a read-aloud I think we'll try it.

Sarah :)