View Full Version : Fetal Movement Questions

11-30-2008, 06:18 PM
I'm 33 weeks and have noticed that the baby kicks less when I'm lying on one side vs. the other. He kicks more when I'm lying on my left side. Is this normal?

Also, the other night I went from my right side to my left side in the middle of the night and he started kicking up a storm. This has never happened so I went back to my right side for a few minutes. The kicks went away and then I went to my left side and no more intense kicks (he was kicking lightly). It kind of freaked me out so now I'm paying attention to the number of kicks (my dr. has not told me to do kick counts). Just wondering if you've had similar experiences...

11-30-2008, 07:07 PM
I had that situation when I was pregnant. IF I was on one side - kicking like crazy...on the other, less noticable kicks. IT probably has to do with the position the baby is in side and the amount of room he/she has to get those legs moving. At 33 weeks its getting kinda cramped! As long as you are feeling the baby move/kick then you are fine - of course if you are concerned, contact your OB

11-30-2008, 07:17 PM
I'm 33 weeks and have noticed that the baby kicks less when I'm lying on one side vs. the other. He kicks more when I'm lying on my left side. Is this normal?

Also, the other night I went from my right side to my left side in the middle of the night and he started kicking up a storm. This has never happened so I went back to my right side for a few minutes. The kicks went away and then I went to my left side and no more intense kicks (he was kicking lightly). It kind of freaked me out so now I'm paying attention to the number of kicks (my dr. has not told me to do kick counts). Just wondering if you've had similar experiences...

What about it freaked you out? It's possible when you rolled over you put the babe in a position that was uncomfy and once he was not he settled down. It's also possible to feel things differently depending on where the placenta is lying. Use your instincts, you are the expert on your baby and your body, if you feel something is not right, then see the dr and insist they take your feeling seriously.

11-30-2008, 07:21 PM
When I was pregnant my ob told me if I didn't feel the baby kick x amount of times or I was worried about her movement that I should drink a sugary drink and lay on my left side.

She said babies are generally more active on the left side. Something about blood flow being better.