View Full Version : Help with overnight (lots of) peeing?

12-01-2008, 01:33 PM
I don't know what to do here. DS is showing a tiny bit of interest in the potty, but not a lot (he's been sitting on it before bed, but not really doing anything).

We put him to bed with a Huggies Overnite size 6 diaper, a Depends insert, and a waterproof diaper cover. He has woken up in the a.m. for the past week absolutely SOAKED. We have tried cutting off all liquid after a certain time at night. Once in awhile he wakes up in the middle of the night and wants juice and we only give him a little watered way down, but usually not.

I've thought about changing him when we go to bed (he is usually in bed by about 7 or 8 p.m.) but I think most of the peeing is happening in the morning. Not to have TMI, but DH tends to only pee once or twice a day too and *saves* it all up! I don't know what else to try. We had tried all other combinations of diapers and doublers I could think of in the past (Goodnites, nighttime pullups, other brands, a new one I can't think of, underjams?).

Any suggestions?

12-01-2008, 02:22 PM
Is he peeing more than normal any other times?

It can be a sign of medical problems, so I thought I would put it out there if you haven't ruled that out yet.

I think I would work on the potty - bribery if you have to - just to get in a pee right before bed. At that age he should be able to go on the potty, from a physical standpoint, even if he isn't ready for full on PT (knowing when to go, etc.). If you can do naked time, that might help him put it together.

Other than that I'm not sure what else you can do to have it hold more. Is he a heavy enough sleeper that you could do a diaper change before you go to bed? Have you checked him at that time (a few hours after going down) to see if he is filling it up then and then the AM pee is putting it over the top?

12-01-2008, 02:49 PM
It's always been an issue, so I don't think it's anything new. It comes and goes (heavy peeing), although I have Type 2 diabetes and I know that being extra thirsty and peeing a lot can be a sign. But I don't think it's a medical issue, I just think he pees a lot!!!

He's a bit delayed (on the spectrum) and I'm not sure he totally understands about peeing in the potty which is why I've waited. Although he's sitting on it naked and then telling me "I need help." Um, buddy, I don't know how to help you there! I don't have the same parts :)

He has a week off from school for the holidays and thought we would try more naked time then for sure. He's been watching a DVD, "Potty Power" for the past few days and does seem a bit more interested.

He is a heavy sleeper, but I really have a feeling that he may be totally dry when we go to bed and it's not happening until later. But I may try changing him then and seeing how it goes.

Thanks for answering!

12-01-2008, 03:03 PM
Ah, with the delays, then he might not be ready. I would do a quick check before you go to bed and just see how full it is to decide if it is worth changing. You might check for a few nights to see if it correlates to soaking in the morning. Does he get up before or after you? Can you wake him 5-10 min before normal wake up time and sit him on the potty then?

As far as the help on the potty - try running water, warm water to play with (in a bowl or bucket), practice relaxing with slow exhales. For many kids, it takes a few times of it just happening for it to click as far as letting it out on the potty.