View Full Version : Bed skirt for Munire crib

12-06-2008, 05:14 PM
I am getting the Munire Urban crib and linens from babybedding.com (carousel). They carry both 14" and 20" bedskirts. Which one do I want? Will the 14" look really goofy when the mattress is at its highest level? I assume that the 20" will drag on the floor when the mattress is as low as it goes.....

Thanks for your help!!!!

12-06-2008, 06:36 PM
can't say for sure, since i don't have the crib or the bedding in my possession yet

but i'm having the crib skirt and a few other things made

the etsy seller seems to specialize/focus on baby bedding

i asked the same question and she recommended 14 inches. so that's what we're doing

good luck!

12-06-2008, 06:53 PM
Thanks! That's helpful (and cheaper!).
