View Full Version : Does your husband ever cry?

12-28-2008, 01:22 PM
I've been with my DH for over 15 years and I've NEVER seen him cry.

And, I've only seen my Dad cry once and that is when my Mom died.

Is this normal male behavior?
Do your husbands ever cry?

12-28-2008, 01:31 PM
Rarely but he has when really sad.

ETA- he cried when both boys were born too. Out of happiness. :) Oh, and once during my first labor because he said he was just so proud of me. He won major points then!


12-28-2008, 01:47 PM
I'd say it's pretty normal. I've only seen my dad cry twice. When my childhood dog died and when my parents spoke to me about their separation.

My DH has cried a few times that I can recall. Actually he cried on xmas day after reading a very sweet note his sister wrote in his card.

12-28-2008, 01:52 PM
Mine has only cried a few times in the 7 years we've been together...I've never seen my dad cry though.

12-28-2008, 01:52 PM
HI Corie,

First time I saw him cry was when he told me about his grandfather passing.

The second time I didn't see him cry, but my mom told me he cried to her.

That was when Tess was in the hospital at 3 weeks old.....

he has to be very sad....

12-28-2008, 01:56 PM
I've only seen DH cry a handful of times but when he does he really does.

Our wedding ~ we did our own vows and he could barely get a word out
When each of the boys was born
When his grandpa and grams passed away
Speaking at his grams memorial

12-28-2008, 02:06 PM
I've only seen DH cry a few times, and each was for a good reason. We had some difficulties when we were first married and we both cried during that time. I'm sure we both shed a few tears when the girls were born but other than that not much since.
DH's mother suddenly died right in front of him when he was 16 years old. It was out of the blue, and he still has a lot of emotion when he thinks about her life or death.
He wouldn't cry because of a bad haircut though, like I've been known to do!

12-28-2008, 02:20 PM
Yes, a few times. He cried when our cat died. He was wiping away tears at his best friend's mom's funeral. And the movie "Rudy" always makes him cry.

12-28-2008, 02:44 PM
Oh man. My husband is Mr. Sentimental. He teared up eating the first meal I cooked for him. Granted, I'm a good cook and it was yummy; but seriously, it's just dinner. I understood though after eating him mother's food the first time. Standing at the alter the minister kept handing kleenex to him. He cried when the girls were born. He tears up when he thinks of bad things happening to them. Hell, he tears up when the dogs are sick. It's sweet but I, the antithesis of sentimental, don't cry over such things.

12-28-2008, 02:47 PM
LoL. My DH is quite sentimental too...I have seen him tear up on several occasions. Really cry, like sobbing - just once.

12-28-2008, 03:08 PM
My husband has cried during/because of sad things. He cried when my brother died in August...but we all did. He gave the eulogy at his funeral and almost couldn't finish it...he had the whole church crying. He cried for each of our miscarriages and when we got scared during ds and dd's nicu stay. I hardly ever cried until I had kids. Now I cry a lot easier.

ds&dd 5/03

12-28-2008, 03:18 PM
My husband doesn't cry often. He cried when his grandparents died and when we miscarried, and I think those might be the only times in the eleven years I've known him.

12-28-2008, 03:22 PM
Definitely on both. My DH cries with movies. I used to rarely cry with movies and he always did. After kids, we both get all teary. He also refuses to watch Extreme Home Makeover and he's afraid of Oprah since a lot of those are tear jerkers.

My dad gets teary lots of times too. For instance, I made a picture book about my kids and my parents for xmas. That made my dad get teary-eyed.

I haven't seen either one of them do the sob ugly cry though.

12-28-2008, 03:27 PM
Yes, my dh cries...well, it's more like he gets teary. He's pretty emotional and things that have to do with our kids get him choked up. And when I get upset remembering my mom's death, he gets teary right along with me. Movies will occasionally get to him, too.

My dad is a TOTAL mushball and cries VERY easily!

12-28-2008, 03:32 PM
DH just asked me if I was asking because of a Cosmo survey, LOL. He does get weepy - birth of a baby, hearing about a kid we know who was sexually abused, touching movies, maybe even general sentimental things. No real sobbing that I've witnessed.

12-28-2008, 04:19 PM
yes, i have seen DH cry on a number of occasions both in sadness and in joy. most recently, he was brought to tears on a number of days while visiting India and having his first experience with true poverty.

12-28-2008, 04:36 PM
A few times...when he came home from the war, when we sat with our dog as she died, when dd was born and twice when he knew he had REALLY hurt me. We have been married almost 11 years.

The fact is, women are wired for tears more than men are We produce tears more easily. And crying can be normal for men and NOT crying can be normal, too. Depends on the man and his perspective. It is not normal to be void of the emotions that bring about tears, though. As long as the emotion is there, the tears aren't as important.

12-28-2008, 04:38 PM
I've been with mine 12 years and I've seen him cry once, when very drunk. He's just not a the crying type. He tends to laugh when he is very emotional.

12-28-2008, 05:19 PM
Mine cries at movies/stories or something sad.

12-28-2008, 05:40 PM
No, my DH rarely ever cries, I've never seen him. I think he cried for some sappy jock movie, like Rudy or something, which was annoying to me, that he could cry for a sports-related movie, but not for other things. However, I think it's not uncommon for guys to cry when they watch Rudy. :shrug:

12-28-2008, 06:16 PM
My big tough soldier cannot call us when he is deployed because he will cry. He is one of the most sentimental people I've ever known. Movies, arguments, plus the things that should make him cry (I'm pregnant, it's a boy, boy is born, etc!) I love it.

DS1 age 10 years
DS2 age 1 year

12-28-2008, 08:49 PM
I have never seen my DH cry.

12-28-2008, 09:04 PM
My dh has cried yes. In a few rough spots in our marriage primarily but he also wept when we had to rehome his parrot and when our dog died.

Tondi G
12-28-2008, 09:08 PM
YUP! My hubby is a softy! He is not afraid to show emotion. He cries if he's sad or stressed or really happy. He cried when our boys were born, he cried at his brothers wedding and almost during our ceremony. He cried when my Dad died and when his grandmother passed. Recently he got emotional when we put our old dog to sleep... she was his first dog really (he had a dog as a child but he was his moms dog).

So yeah... my hubby cries and me and the kids have all seen it! I'm glad too cause it shows my boys that it's ok to cry!

12-28-2008, 09:16 PM
DH rarely does, but he does. It is usually more teary vs. anything beyond that, and not often.

My dad is a total softy and anything really emotional makes him teary (good or bad).

12-28-2008, 09:17 PM
Yeah this year was a hard one. He cried when we were just overcome by difficulties we have been going through with our son. It ripped my heart out but at the same time it was good to see him being well.. being like me. I am the emotional one.


12-28-2008, 09:28 PM
I have never seen my DH cry, he told me after DD was born he cried at home while me & DD were still in the hospital . When DS was born, he was standing next to my shoulder, & watched as they took him out ( S Section ) he said Oh my God, he wasn't crying but I could hear he was almost , he was controlling himself, that was the closet I ever heard of him cry .

12-29-2008, 12:32 AM
Yes, for various things similar to those mentioned.
The most unique I can think of was the movie Click. Remember that Adam Sandler movie? We didn't even have a kid yet, but it hit him hard. I think he was taken offguard because you expect a comedy and WHAM.

12-29-2008, 12:53 AM
Twice in 11 years. I think it would be good for him to cry more.

12-29-2008, 02:26 AM
Yes, my DH does.

My dad OTOH I never saw even tear up until I was a teenager and my grandfather was in the hospital. It was a total shock to me to see my dad cry! Since then I've seen him tear up on a few occasions. Must be getting soft in his old age! ;)

Happy 2B mommy
12-29-2008, 07:36 AM
He gets teary when sad or really happy -- our wedding, DD's birth, during one or two fights, funerals. The only times I've seen him really cry (like, needing a kleenex and a moment to regain himself) was when his dad died and when his grandma passed away.

12-29-2008, 08:52 AM
DH does not cry often but will. Usually, things that are really emotional make him cry, but it's more of a teary cry. Things that come to mind are deaths, moving away from family (we are military), deployment related stuff (seeing his parents for last time before he left, leaving the boys and I, talking about it at times, etc.). When his grandmother died is the one time I can think of that he really really cry cried.

BTW..while I was reading through this entire thread, all I could think of was that movie "The Holiday". Jude Law cracks me up in that movie.

12-29-2008, 09:52 AM
I've seen him tear up a couple of times during sappy movies, etc. but nothing I would really call crying in those cases, if that makes sense. I've only seen him REALLY cry when his mom died, but he did a lot of crying then. Actually, I think maybe he did cry a little when DS had some rough points after his surgery. I do enough crying for the entire family, on the other hand. LOL I bawl at strangers weddings, anyone's birth, happy things, sad things, funny things, on days that end in y, etc. ;)

12-29-2008, 10:02 AM
I've seen him tear up a couple of times during sappy movies, etc. but nothing I would really call crying in those cases, if that makes sense. I've only seen him REALLY cry when his mom died, but he did a lot of crying then. Actually, I think maybe he did cry a little when DS had some rough points after his surgery. I do enough crying for the entire family, on the other hand. LOL I bawl at strangers weddings, anyone's birth, happy things, sad things, funny things, on days that end in y, etc. ;)

Thank God I am not the only one!!!! Every time they do the PPD screening at the hospital when dd has appointments, I have to explain to them that I am a "cryer", even before dd.

One day, while PG, on my way to Dr office, I hit a baby squirrel on the road. A *baby*. And his little friend who diidn't run in to the road watched. I SOBBED and Dr put me in for a mental health eval for depression. When the mental health lady called, she laughed her head off when I explained why I had been crying and told me she did not need to see me in her office, she considered the matter resolved. :)

12-29-2008, 11:25 AM
DH and I cry about the same amount, which is not very often. We do both cry and big things (births, deaths, etc), and we also both get teary and really silly things, like sappy commericials.

There was one time we were watching Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman (yes, I will admit to watching that show, lol!) and the poor little kid had to shoot his pet wolf/dog because it had rabies and bit his older brother's fiance who died a tragic rabies death. I was really trying to hold back the tears and then I glanced over at DH and he was also all choked up. Then we both started crying and laughing that we were crying at Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman.

12-29-2008, 11:31 AM
DH is much more of a cryer than me. He is very sentimental and I am not. I do tear up more now that I have kids but I rarely cry, only for deaths, etc. DH's mom cries all the time, like every day so I'm guessing he gets a lot of it from her.

I have never seen my dad cry. Must be where I get it from.

12-29-2008, 12:18 PM
DH can be sensitive but he only really cries when things are bad and/or sad. I'm less sensitive, but cry much more. He cried the hardest that I've seen when his dad died. He did tear up a bit after the births of our kids. I also saw him tear up a few months ago right after the birth of ds2 when his car "blew up" on the side of the road the same day he lost a big bid on a project at work. I think he felt like everything was stacked against him and the stress of having another child to raise and support with the prospect of losing his job, this economy, and the added stress of car trouble.

12-29-2008, 12:31 PM
Yes, my husband does cry. He recently lost his sister and father and can get emotional when watching something sad on TV or on the anniversary of their deaths etc... He cried when DS was born of happiness, but not when DD was born (he didn't cry but was literally jumping for joy that time). Other than that, he doesn't cry.

12-29-2008, 03:04 PM
I've been with my DH for over 15 years and I've NEVER seen him cry.

And, I've only seen my Dad cry once and that is when my Mom died.

Is this normal male behavior?
Do your husbands ever cry?

He cried at his favorite Aunt's funeral. He cried when our first child was stillborn. He cried when DS was born. He got pretty misty when DD was born.

12-29-2008, 03:16 PM
And the movie "Rudy" always makes him cry.

I was on an airplane once that was chock full of very manly businessmen. The in-flight movie was "My Dog Skip." At the end, I looked around ,and about 90% of the guys were surreptitiously trying to wipe their eyes. :ROTFLMAO:

12-29-2008, 03:54 PM
Twice and it was more a misting of tears than actual crying. And it was pretty recent at his Grandfather's funeral. Everyone teared up when the American flag was put over the coffin and then again at the cemetary when "Taps" was playing and the soldiers were folding the flag.

12-29-2008, 11:05 PM
No, my DH rarely ever cries, I've never seen him. I think he cried for some sappy jock movie, like Rudy or something, which was annoying to me, that he could cry for a sports-related movie, but not for other things. However, I think it's not uncommon for guys to cry when they watch Rudy. :shrug:

OMG! That is my DH. Watching Rudy makes himj cry. But no tears for our wedding, birth of our children, an autism diagnosis etc. Go figure.