View Full Version : Dear Neighbor, YOU make your own problems!

01-23-2009, 09:20 AM
Dear Neighbor,

Congratulations on the birth of your son 5 weeks ago. Yes, it is a miracle - he was a preemie and the cord was around his neck and arm. It's wonderful that you are breastfeeding. I am sorry to hear he has colic.

However, the fact is, you make your own problems.

For example, when I offered to bring you a couple of meals when you first came home from the hospital but I drove over to find you gone....you took your newborn out to town, 25 miles away, to buy more pacifiers and to get dinner out. Hmmm...I guess I just don't think taking a three day old baby out to town for dinner is the best idea.

What do you mean you didn't know feedings where timed start to start? We took the same breastfeeding class from the same LC. But even so...I know I told you myself several times in those first two weeks when you kept calling me with breastfeeding issues. So, the fact that you were starving yor kid b/c he wanted to eat every two hours but you just though he was screaming is a problem of your own making.

What do you mean you are supplementing with formula? If you fed him more ofetn, you wouldn't have to. And your doctor said to supplement every other nursing, but you decided to only breastfeed every third? Wait, what's that? Your milk is drying up?

What do you mean you "tried" to give up dairy but it's "like, in everything. It's even in my Lean Cuisine meals". Why are you eating Lean Cuisine, anyway? Oh, poor you, you think rice milk tastes like rice. So, you are just not eating dairy for two to three hours before you nurse him? I seem to remember explaining to you that milk proteins stay in your system for 1 -2 weeks...not hours. It's just too hard for you, huh?

Gee, I'm sorry he wakes up every day at 0445. I forgot to tell you that he doesn't know how to read a clock yet.

Hey, remember before he was born and you swore you would never let him sleep with you? And then I explained that for nursing, and b/c he was a preemie, you might be better off with a bassinet in your room in the beginning? What's that? He likes to snuggle? That's crazy! I have never heard of a newborn wanting contact with his mother. Your son is some sort of unique child.

Oh, by the way, when you call my house and I don't answer, it's b/c we are napping, or busy. And when you leave me a message asking for information, then blast your cell phone number at me without saying please or thank you...guess what, I am not rushing for a pen and paper when I am up to my elbows in poop with my own child just to dial you back on your cell phone to tell you the name of a product that I have not only mentioned many times, and sent you the website for, but that you could easily Google yourself.

Oh, yeah, remember all those e-mails I sent with resources...like breastfeeding and sleeping and colic support? I know for a fact you haven't read them when you call me and complain about something and ask for a solution and it is something I have already sent you. EVERY SINGLE TIME.

Wait. you mean you found a Ped that says he knows about breastfeeding and obviously doesn't? Oh, but you are too good to go to the Naval Hospital, you have to have a Dr out in town.

Please, dear neighbor, I feel so sorry for your son, and that is why I have been so patient with you. That is why I threw a baby shower for you when no one else would. That is why I answer the phone every time your number shows up on my caller ID and listen to you babble about stuff that is wrong, wrong, wrong. I feel so very sad for your little son.

But I no longer feel sorry for you. You make your own problems. You made it clear you did not want to have a baby to begin with. And we hoped motherhood would soften you. It has, I suppose, in that you no longer say stupid things like you refuse to hold him or that you will make your DH do all the work b/c he wanted the baby, not you. But it hasn't made you anymore willing to sacrifice your comfort. It hasn't made you willing to do what it takes to soothe and nourish and nurture your baby. You want a miracle fix, a magic pill. Switch doctors over and over. But stop calling me and asking for help if you are not willing to actually follow my advice. You are lazy and selfish. Oh, you can't do without cheese...really? Cheese is more important that your baby? You expect him to sleep through the night? Really? Have you never heard, read about, spoken with parents, of newborns????

So, dear neighbor, I am no longer answering the phone. And the answer to every question you ask me will be "I don't know."

Best of luck to you. And my prayers are with your son.

Your dairy-free neighbor who is still exclusively nursing at 6 months and has her own daughter and her own life to worry about....

01-23-2009, 09:47 AM
I wouldn't have made it 5 weeks!

Hope the vent makes you feel better.

01-23-2009, 10:03 AM
I wouldn't have made it 5 weeks!

Hope the vent makes you feel better.

Actually, I feel evil for even thinking this rant, let alone writing it. And, I suppose the biggest thing is that this person ISN'T my "friend". We are friendly acquaintaineces. Neighbors.

But, yes, it did make me feel better :) Thanks!

01-23-2009, 01:55 PM
Wow. you are a good neighbor. I hear stories like this and they make me so sad. I just want to go over there, ask the lady to hand me her baby and say, "if you dont' want to treasure him, I"ll gladly do it. Hand 'im over." Poor little darling.

I know it's tough having to raise your baby AND babysit your clueless neighbor, but, in the end, her poor baby is the one who really benefits from your kindness.

01-23-2009, 04:32 PM
It sounds as if your neighbor has run off any "friends" she might have had, because I am guessing this is her standard MO even before becoming pg.

You are a wonderful person for putting up with that for so long. :hug:

01-23-2009, 06:07 PM
I know ppl who are like your neighbor. The reason they have no friends is b/c they cling onto anyone who is actually nice to them and then they suck the life out of that person like a leech. It sounds like that is what your neighbor has done to you. I feel for you. Been through this type of situation a few times and now my spidey senses go off as soon as I meet anyone who gives me the vibe and I run the other direction.

I think you have helped her all that you can and have been more than patient with her. I can't stand ppl who ask for your advice and then do their own thing anyway and when things don't work out, they act like it's such a big mystery. {{{HUGS}}}} It's frustrating dealing with ppl like this. IMO, it's time to drop her for your own sanity.

01-23-2009, 06:22 PM
Yeowza! Can you say Emotional Vacuum?
That sounds like one overwhelmed, totally unhappy, didn't-really-want-to-be-a mom. I remember thinking how lucky DD was that we really, really wanted her because in the beginning it was such a PITA, you know? There is nothing needier than an newborn...except maybe for your neighbor!

Don't you dare feel bad for venting. You did it here, not to her. No harm done and you likely feel better for letting off steam.

I agree you just have to try and distance yourself. When she asks for advice give it, then forget it. She probably won't take it, but you've done what you could. Try not to take the rejection of your help personally and try even harder to give yourself breathing room. Anyway, I don't think she wants you to fix the problem, I just think she wants a witness to her suffering.

01-23-2009, 06:46 PM
Wow!! you showed a LOT more patience with that dingbat than i ever would. I would've told were to go & how get there & THEN ignore her calls since you KNOW she wouldn't take the 'hint'. I can't stand people that ask for advice then ignore it.

01-23-2009, 10:38 PM
Your neighbor sounds depressed and possibly suffering from PPD.

I totally see why you can't deal with her anymore, but I can't help but feel sorry for her situation. She sounds really unhappy and perhaps a testimony to why people that don't want kids should not have them. Hears hoping for her son's sake she adjusts better and maybe gets some treatment.

01-24-2009, 01:45 AM
Your neighbor sounds depressed and possibly suffering from PPD.

I totally see why you can't deal with her anymore, but I can't help but feel sorry for her situation. She sounds really unhappy and perhaps a testimony to why people that don't want kids should not have them. Hears hoping for her son's sake she adjusts better and maybe gets some treatment.


yes, you are not in charge of her situation and do not deserve to be pestered. but it also sounds like she has it pretty bad just from what you said.

01-24-2009, 06:59 AM
Your neighbor sounds depressed and possibly suffering from PPD.

This was the first thing I thought of as well. That poor baby. :(

01-25-2009, 01:20 PM
I have to third the PPD (or at least struggling) thought. This sounds like a mom and baby in need of help.

As someone who has been on an elimination diet for breastfeeding for over a year, I can say it doesn't work for everyone. It's sad that she isn't willing to even try it, but having done it and gone completely crazy at points, I can't criticize her for knowing her limitations.

It is so good of you to be a support to her, and feel free bitch away here.