View Full Version : Have you ever looked at the bottom of the main page?

01-26-2009, 11:54 PM
Right now, it said,

What's Going On?
Currently Active Users: 1126 (156 members and 970 guests)
Most users ever online was 1,535, 6 Hours Ago at 09:21 PM.
Long list of members deleted by me :)
Authors Denise & Alan Fields / Windsor Peak Press Book Forums Statistics
Threads: 179,600, Posts: 1,392,043, Members: 23,052, Active Members: 2,680

I can't believe how many guests there are!

And, I was very surprised to see over 23,000 members. Less surprised at 2,680 active members.

I have somewhere around 0.45% of the posts.

01-27-2009, 01:10 AM
Yeah, the number of guest viewers always throws me for a loop too. Although you do have to keep in mind those numbers are for all the Fields' boards, so the bridal bargains and others are included in those numbers. But, either way it's a good reminder that this isn't quite as "small" of a community as it sometimes feels like. There may be a smallish number of people living here, but there's a lot of people driving by looking in the windows. ;)

01-27-2009, 06:38 AM
I wonder what the distinction is between "active members" and "total members" ...

01-27-2009, 07:41 AM
The number of guests also includes members who are reading but not logged on. If you don't set your brower to 'remember' you, you have to log in every time.

01-27-2009, 09:32 AM
I was one of those guests! Just didn't sign in.