View Full Version : Dear Husband, do you think you could pay the bill ON TIME?

01-27-2009, 02:44 AM
Dear Husband,

I know that ordinarily, I pay the household bills, always in full, and mostly online. One credit card bill I always pay in person, because I can do it literally three blocks from our home. While I was away visiting family, you said you would pay that one credit card bill yourself. You paid it in full one time. You also paid it LATE, costing us $29 in penalties. I understand that you might have forgotten ONCE because bill-paying is not ordinarily one of your household duties. However, upon my return home, our account was overdue AGAIN and temporarily frozen. Today I had to straighten out the mess myself. That was embarassing, thanks!

Fortunately, the most recent late fee was waived, but your lack of timeliness will negatively affect our credit rating and the mortgage rate we will get when we purchase a house four months from now! I'm not happy about wasting $29, and I'm quite upset about the potentially thousands of dollars difference this could make over the course of a 30-year mortgage. Have you heard of this little thing called "THE CREDIT CRUNCH"? No one can afford to be careless with their credit rating these days. It's not like we don't have thousands of dollars in multiple bank accounts from which you could have chosen to pay a bill totalling $6.31. If you SAY you are going to pay that one bill yourself, then please DO it. All I ask is that if you aren't going to pay the bill ON TIME, then please just say so and I will do it myself online.

Thank you,

Your irritated wife.

01-27-2009, 02:57 AM
That's not fun. :hug:

Take the fees from something he wants!

01-27-2009, 11:45 AM
I feel for you! :hug:

I pay all the bills, too. Around Christmas, I tell DH not to charge anything, just transfer any money he needs to his checking and I won't balance that account until January (because he HATES it if I'm not surprised). A couple of years ago he made all the lovely purchases, but forgot the most important act of transfering the money . . . causing more bounced checks than I care to remember. He hasn't lived that one down yet.

01-27-2009, 11:50 AM
Yep, I also feel your pain. :hug:

01-27-2009, 12:00 PM
Totally. DH is one smart but oblivious cookie, when it comes to bills, and has cost us $$$ - but I think he's learning. I hope.

01-27-2009, 01:50 PM
I took over bill paying for this reason. DH used to do it at work, but he was old school with check book etc. When he got busy, he couldn't do it or he would forget. Final straw was getting a letter from DS's ped. office saying DS would be discharged because $25 was overdue by months.

I would just do it online. I agree DH should do what he says, but if he's always going to forget, I prefer to do it and protect the credit. Give DH another task to do. I swapped laundry for the bills. Granted some days I'm pulling out the old no elastic underpants to wear, but it's better than a late bill.

01-27-2009, 02:05 PM
My DH has done the same thing, and always with accounts that are in my name. :32:I am taking over bill paying duty. I set up everything in Bill Pay just a week or so ago. I think I will be much happier having control of this task. :)

01-27-2009, 02:23 PM
I took this over years ago when I worked for a bank. One bounced check would mean being fired. I still do because it amkes me feel more secure.