View Full Version : 5 month old rolling face down while asleep?

02-06-2009, 10:16 AM
DC has been rolling over and tending to sleep face down since he learnt this new skill. I wake up several times a night to check on him. I know its not safe for him to be sleeping face down, so I sometimes move him from the crib into my bed to have an eye on him. I'm not sure which is worse :(. Anyways, did anyone else have this issue and how did you tackle it?


02-06-2009, 11:16 AM
Once baby can roll on their own they are strong enough to sleep on their tummy, imo. If you are worried still you should try running a fan in baby's room, especially if you can find one that can be directed into the crib. It will keep the air fresh around baby's face (upping the oxygen, decreasing the stale CO2). Keep baby's crib free of stuff and that's pretty much all you can do. Get some sleep. :)


02-06-2009, 11:32 AM
Thanks, Beth! A first- time mom's worries are near endless...:)
