View Full Version : She wants to be Angelina Jolie

02-06-2009, 11:43 AM
IAK- iphone as keyboard. ;) Did anyone else think that octuplet mom looked like she had had plastic surgery to have her nose and lips look like angelina jolie? It's the FIRST thing I thought of. Like she wants to be her with all the kids. She is freaking crazy.

02-06-2009, 11:47 AM
I don't typically watch TV during the day, so other than what I have read here and what I have seen online, I do not know too much about this situation. I am also not one (usually ;) ) to dismiss large families, because I believe all children are a gift from God. HOWEVER, this woman needs some serious help (on so many levels!). I just don't even know where to start my comments on the situation. All I can say is I fear for her children. I have been praying for all of them since I first heard about the births of the octuplets. What a situation!


02-06-2009, 12:01 PM
IAK- iphone as keyboard. ;) Did anyone else think that octuplet mom looked like she had had plastic surgery to have her nose and lips look like angelina jolie? It's the FIRST thing I thought of. Like she wants to be her with all the kids. She is freaking crazy.

Yeah, my first thought was she wants to be Angelina Jolie too. I feel sorry for her, among other things, but that's the main feeling/thought when I see/hear her story. From my perspective she must have some serious issues to believe that having all of these children will make her happy -- what about their welfare and quality of life?
Whatever her motivations -- wanting a large family, coping with depression, wanting notariety, etc. -- the whole situation just seems so bad and I can't and won't watch her story. I hope things work out and she gets whatever help she needs for the sake of all those children. But, yeah, "freakin crazy" fits from what I have seen/read.

02-06-2009, 12:07 PM
I thought she looked like she'd been "enhanced" as well.

02-06-2009, 12:14 PM
I thought she looked like she'd been "enhanced" as well.

:yeahthat: I didn't necessarily associate it with Angelina Jolie, but she definitely looks like she's had some work done. Now that you mention it, I can see the Jolie connection.

02-06-2009, 12:20 PM
I don't know. My face has always looked really weird post-partum. After DS was born I totally looked like I'd had work done- swollen lips, tight skin, glow, etc.

02-06-2009, 12:23 PM
IAK- iphone as keyboard. ;) Did anyone else think that octuplet mom looked like she had had plastic surgery to have her nose and lips look like angelina jolie? It's the FIRST thing I thought of. Like she wants to be her with all the kids. She is freaking crazy.

I think she may have been going for Angelina, but she ended up with Michael Jackson's nose! The lips are Joan Rivers'. On this one, I'm not jealous. I'll take my all-natural ugly mug! Angelina doesn't look plastic-y like this gal...

02-06-2009, 01:03 PM
I saw the resemblance immediately. Do you know for sure if she has had work done? Doesn't she live with her mom? Isn't she unemployed? How could she afford plastic surgery?

02-06-2009, 01:26 PM
I saw the resemblance immediately. Do you know for sure if she has had work done? Doesn't she live with her mom? Isn't she unemployed? How could she afford plastic surgery?

I just watched the NBC clip on line and Ann Curry said she recieved $165K in a settlement from workman's comp from when she worked in a mental hospital and there was a riot. Apprarently she was restraining a patient and someone threw a desk at her. Obviously terrible for anyone to go through. So she got theis $165K settlement for inguries and then on top of that got disability payments from the state because she was unable to work. Then she went back to school and started having babies.

02-06-2009, 01:51 PM
I think this woman is an absolute wackadoodle.

02-06-2009, 01:52 PM
I just watched the NBC clip on line and Ann Curry said she recieved $165K in a settlement from workman's comp from when she worked in a mental hospital and there was a riot. Apprarently she was restraining a patient and someone threw a desk at her. Obviously terrible for anyone to go through. So she got theis $165K settlement for inguries and then on top of that got disability payments from the state because she was unable to work. Then she went back to school and started having babies.

You have one of the most adorable babies I have ever seen. Such a cutie pie!

02-06-2009, 06:19 PM
Looks like there is more of the interview Monday and you can meet her older kids Tuesday on Dateline.

Can we say BOTOX in the lips?

02-06-2009, 07:48 PM
I think this woman is an absolute wackadoodle.
couldn't say it any better:applause:

02-06-2009, 07:53 PM
Wackdoodle, indeed.

DH also said, "she looks like she's trying to be Angelina Jolie," too. First thing he said. She really does.

Well, whether she does or she doesn't, she's nuts. The thing that truly struck me about the interview was that she said I'll be able to afford them when I finish my schooling??!!! Really? Cuz I'm thinkin' since they were all on ice, ya know, ya coulda waited till you really DID finish your schooling and take it from there.

02-06-2009, 08:32 PM
Wackdoodle, indeed.

The thing that truly struck me about the interview was that she said I'll be able to afford them when I finish my schooling??!!! Really? Cuz I'm thinkin' since they were all on ice, ya know, ya coulda waited till you really DID finish your schooling and take it from there.

I didn't see the whole thing, but this is the one line I mentioned to my friend today when we were talking about it. What is she in school for? nursing? counseling?

All I know is that DH and I have 2 healthy children (FA seem like nothing compared to what she may face), a very nice income, and yet we always feel like it's just not enough. If she can make it work with her salary- 14 kids- and all the therapy/special care her kids will need, then *that's* a show I will watch!!!

ETA: Not AT ALL knocking nursing or counseling, I just couldn't remember what she was in school for, and whatever it is, I can't imagine the salary will be enough to support 14 kids!

02-06-2009, 08:37 PM
When I first heard her story I assumed she was a woman with no children who had fertility treatments in order to conceive. It seems like she had them for publicity or money. I personally hope Oprah and these other outlets don't give her a dime.

02-06-2009, 08:40 PM
Too funny that you posted this because as I was walking past the TV, not knowing who was being interviewed, I said to DH, "Wow is Angelina pregnant again?"
I did not listen to the interview but did hear today on the radio that this woman feels she will be able to take care of her family after she completes her masters and becomes a counselor. Now I ask you how will she have time to complete a masters program while raising 14 children?? And in this economy what single income family do you know that could support 14 children. I also find it funny that this woman has made decisions that impact her older children and parents without taking any of them into account. She is not only a wacko, but completely selfish.

02-06-2009, 09:28 PM
I thought she was trying to be Angelina too. I got my Master's before DC and it took so much time and energy. I can't imagine what it would be like with 14 kids. I totally agree ther this lady is CRAZY!!!!!

02-06-2009, 09:39 PM

I love that they call her "Octo-Mom".

02-06-2009, 11:08 PM
Wackdoodle, indeed.

DH also said, "she looks like she's trying to be Angelina Jolie," too. First thing he said. She really does.

Well, whether she does or she doesn't, she's nuts. The thing that truly struck me about the interview was that she said I'll be able to afford them when I finish my schooling??!!! Really? Cuz I'm thinkin' since they were all on ice, ya know, ya coulda waited till you really DID finish your schooling and take it from there.


And to echo PPs, unless I were making seven figures (maybe even mid-seven, if I were going to attempt to address special needs and talents in a really proactive way), I can't concieve [pun only half-heartedly intended] of affording 14 kids in Los Angeles, or NYC, or DC, or Boston or anywhere except a place where land is cheap and plentiful.

As for the AJ thing, when I saw her this morning, I had two thoughts: first thought was "wow, she has an unethical plastic surgeon too!" B/c the whole "make me look like [insert star's name here]" should be a red flag for any reputable surgeon.

My second thought was that "close" only counts in horse shoes -- she looks like AJ, yes, kinda. But she also resembles the poor creature from Kill Bill 2 who's had her lip split by the meglomaniacal pimp/mentor to Bill character. Yikes. I'm hoping, for the kids' sake, that there isn't an extended metaphor in there somewhere. But I fear that there is.

02-06-2009, 11:18 PM

And to echo PPs, unless I were making seven figures (maybe even mid-seven, if I were going to attempt to address special needs and talents in a really proactive way), I can't concieve [pun only half-heartedly intended] of affording 14 kids in Los Angeles, or NYC, or DC, or Boston or anywhere except a place where land is cheap and plentiful.

As for the AJ thing, when I saw her this morning, I had two thoughts: first thought was "wow, she has an unethical plastic surgeon too!" B/c the whole "make me look like [insert star's name here]" should be a red flag for any reputable surgeon.

My second thought was that "close" only counts in horse shoes -- she looks like AJ, yes, kinda. But she also resembles the poor creature from Kill Bill 2 who's had her lip split by the meglomaniacal pimp/mentor to Bill character. Yikes. I'm hoping, for the kids' sake, that there isn't an extended metaphor in there somewhere. But I fear that there is.

Yeah, this was our reaction watching this morning also. DH was wondering when she had the plastic surgery and if she got paid for that too.

Love how she thinks being at home and supporting emotionally her kids is more important than earning a living to put food in their 14 little mouths!!!! NUT JOB!!!

02-07-2009, 12:11 AM
So she got the money for getting injured on the job--she was getting therapy for excruciating lower back pain and she is so disabled she cannot work. BUT she can get pg over and over??? And--I love this---she got rear-ended driving home from a therapy appointment and she sued the state for that because she wouldn't have been in a car accident if she hadn't been driving home from therapy????

And then she keeps talking about how she had such a dysfunctional family and she wanted people to love her. Sweetie, a good therapist could help you with those issues--it would be a LOT cheaper, easier on your body, your parents would still be talking to you, and you would not run the chance of ruining the loves of 14 small people!!!! And this woman wants to be a family counselor????????? She seriously needs to have a good psych exam done. (and I work in psych and I can say that the best therapists/counselors are the ones who have figured out their own crap and then go forward. I think this woman has no idea how whacked she is.)

02-07-2009, 03:42 AM
She may be wacked, but she is still selling her wacky story to the highest bidders. On journalistic principle, I won't watch that interview. The hard questions that needed to be asked weren't, per the " ground rules" laid out by her PR firm. It's disgraceful.

02-07-2009, 08:18 AM
She can make herself look like Angelina, but only the REAL Angelina can afford 14 kids! There's no way she can take care of them when she finishes school.

This story keeps getting weirder and weirder...

02-07-2009, 08:49 AM
This story keeps getting weirder and weirder...

Yeah, I was just really expecting something a little more normal with the announcement of the octuplets' birth - something like "mom's an accountant at the local newspaper, dad works as a programmer" type of thing or even "a Latino family with a 4 year old girl who wanted to have another DC." Definitely NOT a 7x fertilized student with seriously unaddressed mental health issues with a penchant for lawsuits and unethical doctors.

Oh yeah, I wasn't going to judge...just pray...I wish her all the best, really.

This will be one of those weird moments in American history when we look back on it.

02-07-2009, 10:25 AM
She may be wacked, but she is still selling her wacky story to the highest bidders. On journalistic principle, I won't watch that interview. The hard questions that needed to be asked weren't, per the " ground rules" laid out by her PR firm. It's disgraceful.

K, wait, how do we know she was paid for this interview? NBC has stated they did not pay her. Also, how do we know what the PR firm layed out as ground rules? We also don't know for sure that she had plastic surgery; maybe she just was born with big lips?

I'm not defending her, I think she's a fruitloop. It's just that DS and I just got done watching Larryboy and the Rumor Weed (VeggieTales) for the umpteenth time, so "just the facts, ma'am" is fresh in my mind :wink2:.