View Full Version : Please help!!! CIO and Naps

03-04-2009, 04:15 PM
I posted a thread recently about feberizing my 5 month old. Thanks to those who replied. So I did take the advice of just working on the nap. CIO is not working for the naps!!!

For the past few days, my DS would cry for 30 minutes straight,despite timed reassurance. Hence, he missed a lot of naps. For example, he only slept 30 minutes all day yesterday. Today, he has yet to nap despite CIO x 2. Last night, he was so tired from the day that he didn't even nurse well and feel asleep one hour earlier than usual. He slept 9 hours straight. Please help! I am completely loss and desperate! This little boy really needs to sleep because he can't focus and concentrate during the day. HELP!!!!

PS I read the ferber book back to back...and I am following instructions!

03-04-2009, 04:58 PM
I highly recommend Baby Whisperer and the Message Boards on there site. I would post your schedule/questions there and you will get lots of ideas.

Riley's mama
03-21-2009, 10:36 PM
We had a similar experience with our DD around that age. What we ended up doing is just using the Ferber at night but still using the paci and rocking her to sleep during the day for naps. We didn't use CIO with naps until right around 6 months. It worked out fine for us that way. She didn't need the paci at night and we did the same thing every night (change her, baby massage, story, song, then bed). She was used to it by the 3rd night and we never had a problem.

I think naps are just different and from my own experience, you don't need to do the same exact thing for naps as you do at bedtime. In fact, our ped said that might even have been helpful for her to separate nighttime sleep with daytime sleep.

I hope that is helpful! Good luck!